Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 10, 2011

Reader's Submission: Waiting for her virgin caning on her wedding night

Dear readers,
    I bring you another real life spanking story that one of you have sent me recently.  Please note that this was sent to me a while ago.  And so by the time you are reading this, our dear contributor would have already have gotten married and received her virgin caning.  Though personally I wished she would have elaborated more about how they got started on spanking.  Nevertheless do enjoy


Hi Spankalot, I came across your site when I googled Singapore spanking and was thrilled to find your site.  I always wondered if there were other Singaporeans who like me got spanked and its comforting to know that I am not alone.

Anyway I wrote to u today to share with you about myself.  I am currently 25 years old and I get spanked by my boyfriend who is 46 this year and runs his own business.  We have been dating for almost three years. He is an a very loving boyfriend and makes me feel very protected.  Maybe because he is older than me, sometimes he also feels like a mentor or father figure to me.  But he has taught me a lot of things and I am really thankful to have him in my life.  I love him very much and try my best to be a good girlfriend to him but sometimes I can be quite playful and not rational which can get on his nerves and when that happens I get a good spanking which will confirm leave me in tears one.  My boyfriend is a very sporty person and he does hit the gym quite regularly so he is quite strong.  Sometimes I wonder if his hands are made of steel.  Most of the times he spanks me only with his hands but alone is enough to make me cry.  Even from the first time he spanked me which was the after we almost broke up over me flirting too much with other guys.  Its a long story but at the end of it when he wanted to leave me I began to regret a few days later and realised I loved him a lot and then he told me that he could not continue being in a relationship with me being the way I was.  And that if I wanted to continue I had to listen to him and he would spank me if he felt I needed it.  That first spanking he gave me over his knee made me cry really bad and the best part was after that he can tell me that it was considered very light by his standard and that if he spank me in future I can expect it to be harder.  I thought he was joking with me but apparently he spank all his previous girlfriends also.  I found out firstly because he says so but also because sometime after the first spanking I found out an ex-schoolmate of mine used to be his girlfriend.  And when she shared with me how he use to spank he I realise that he really gave me a light spanking.  But after that with other spankings from him I soon learn that his hands really can make my whole backside turn red.  His arms are also very strong and once I am over his knee there is no way that I can struggle out even if I tried.  But I also learn that I should not struggle when he is spanking me.  The first time I tried to struggle and get out of his knee he held me down and spank me for longer and harder until he felt I learn my lesson not to struggle anymore.  That was the first and last time that I ever try to struggle away when he is spanking me.  Now I will take my spanking like a good girl and sometimes he does not spank me as hard as he promise.  But somehow that only work for minor things and no matter how I try to act cute and suck up to him when I have done something very bad wun seem to change how bad I am spank by him.  Like when I was caught for drink driving his car and he had to pick me up from the police station.  I was still high when he came and pick me and bring me back to his place so he let me sleep.  The next day when I woke up and realise what I had done I try to be nice make him breakfast and wear something nice and sexy but it did not help.  He spank me so hard that day that I thought my backside would explode.  Worse still he use his belt also.  But I guess I deserve it for being stupid enough to drink drive.  I even lost my license.  Anyway we are getting married next month.  My boyfriend has requested me to be stop work and be a housewife which is also something I plan to do in the first place.  We are financially stable because he got his own business and so there is no need for me to work also.  So two months ago I quit my job and moved in with him to get a feel of being a housewife.  It has been fun because we get to see each other more often and spend a lot of together.  But also I have end up getting spank almost every other day.  My boyfriend feels that if I agree to be his housewife then I need to learn to be a proper housewife.  And so for the past two months I think almost everyday my backside is red.  Recently my boyfriend bought a cane.  He have not use it on me yet he says that he is keeping it and will use it on me on our wedding night.  Somehow I am a little excited and also afraid at how the cane will feel when he cane me.......

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