Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2012

Singapore Kopitiam Culture featured in New York Times!

Link to NY Times article Our Singapore Kopitiams is going to be famous in New York when it appears in this Sunday's New York Times! Step aside Starbucks!  Now you will experience of power of KOPI KAO! The article was written by Singapore born Cheryl Tan who is now based in New York.  Cheryl has also written the book "A Tiger in the Kitchen" about food and growing up in Singapore!  Way to

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Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2012


Many married couples have asked me how to relive those heady moments during their courting days. Honestly, I have to say that those are unique circumstances which you are unlikely to recapture again. Responsibilities have crept into the fray, changing family dynamics and most importantly, the hormonal effects are no longer the same.

However, that doesn’t mean you are doomed because you can certainly create new and even better moments of excitement such as bringing in new games and adventures into your union. However, one of the best strategies in my opinion is masturbation. Yup, you heard it - the good-ole DIY.

With the stressors of life in the forefront, sometimes we find that we may not have as much time as we did before to engage in carnal activities. Too long without it and many of us actually feel its negative effects – irritability, frustration, on edge, etc. And by the time we do get down to sex, we need lots of adjustment time to slip into the require mode and mindset.

What masturbation allows is a quick release, a jolt to our sex hormones to keep our minds and bodies ready for that moment when it does arrive. I certainly live by and recommend it. You can use your fingers but to make it each experience a different one, I make it a point to check out new sex toys regularly.

With time a precious commodity, I am grateful that an online sex-toy store like Edenfantasys offers as wide a selection as you can possibly find anywhere else on the Internet. They offer excellent customer service and vendor everything one’s loin could possibly desire.

My favourites tend to change from time to time but watch out for my best dildo recommendations. They are honest reviews and not based on any product literature. I actually DO try them out several times to check a variety of things from texture, hygiene, effect from our humidity and my favourite – function!

Missus Singapore out!

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store
This post was sponsored by Edenfantasys.
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Miow Sin Carrot Cake: It tastes as good as it looks!

Carrot Cake $4 I revisited Lavender Food Square recently and was very pleasantly surprised by the carrot cake there.  I have written about them years ago and at the time, the old uncle was quite tight lipped about his carrot cake.  I must have caught him at a better time now, either that or he has mellowed down a lot with age. Still very unpretentious about his carrot cake, he tells me that

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It's that time of the week again for my latest tease photo. I hope you have been having a productive week. As for me, it was not a week I'd like to remember. Had a running battle with an editor about deadlines.

It wasn't the first time I've had a run-in with him and glad to say each time he had to recant his accusations. I wasn't bothered with this latest one since I know how disorganised he is. However, it does work on your mind especially when you have other assignments to keep up with.

So late last night, he suddenly texted me to apologise that he had actually received my piece mid last week, which he claimed he didn't. I sent it again but made it a point that he double check. I don't care much about what he thinks but it was my integrity as a writer that I had at stake.

I've never EVER sent in a late piece and never will so I know myself and what I am capable of. He knows my work ethic and unfortunately for him, I know his. Anyway, the good news is I am done with writing for him. Sadly, most magazine editors here are total uncreative and cowardish idiots. There I've said it.

So enough of that, this weekend, I am going to get a drink or three with some friends and hopefully get some action going. God knows I need it. What about you guys?

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2012


If you are observant enough, you would have noticed a new sidebar widget. As of yesterday, I am officially a Wizpert - online expert - for sex, dating and relationships. Imagine me an expert?

I received an email from the CEO of the NY-based company commending my blog and inviting me to be an expert for certain categories. It is an invite only arrangement for bloggers which is only offered after one's blog has been reviewed. And Missus Singapore apparently 'fit the bill'!

It is a real honor to be seen as an 'expert' even though I am merely sharing my two cents worth on issues dear to me. So if you really, I mean really want to support me, just click on it to chat with me. There are already so many other great Singaporean blogs out there so to be granted this honor offers some vindication that my blog has come of age.

However, you will have to be asking me pertinent questions related to the topics. I hope to see you guys and gals really soon. Finally, a valid way to siphon out the genuine solution seekers and fans from the time-wasters. Wizpert uses the Skype platform.

To date, I've already handled 11 'cases' so far!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 6, 2012

Rakuichi @ Oasia Hotel: Fancy some Aburi Sushi?

Appetizer I generally divide Japanese Restaurants in Singapore into 3 tiers.  The first tier are the ones that I would love to eat at but can only go on special occasions because of the prohibitive prices.  These restaurants use only the best Japanese produce and usually cater to well heeled clientele who are ushered into private rooms or executives who have unlimited entertainment budgets.  The

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Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 6, 2012

Ocean Kingdom Seafood Restaurant: Of Foodies and Deadly Dishes

Humans have an innate fascination for novelty.  I think I speak on behalf of most foodies here that one of the really exciting things about being a foodie is being able to taste something new.  Actually, a foodie is like a collector of sorts.  Some people collect stamps (I don't know how many people do nowadays!), some collect cars (matchbox ones), some people just sit around and collect dust

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If you're in Singapore, you would have probably read in the news about the 'sex for business' corruption case involving three women. Well, it appears as if this is news when such arrangements have been going on for the longest time.

If you have been following my blog over the years, you would have come across posts highlighting these occurences amongst readers and even some acquaintainces and friends of mine. Yet, its spread all over the news as if they found a cure for cancer.

Now reporters are hounding these women as if they are subjects of a witch hunt. They saw the opportunity, they took it and they will face the consequences if any, with their family members. For these three who were mentioned, there are scores more who do it on a daily basis. So if there ever was any doubt about the lack of maturity in our local press, this will put an end to it.

Many women sleep their way in the career ladder just as many women sleep their way to get the targeted man of their dreams to marry them. It's part of life. We sometimes suffer the consequences when the man decides not to marry us despite our most spectacular bedroom antics. No different with these three women.

Let them be and let's not be so critical or judgemental in how we view them. We don't even know the consequences that led them to do what they did. And why would we ever trust the local media to get to the crux of the truth. We should know better.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Singapore Memory Project Food Trail: The Aftermath!

Last Saturday was the most unforgettable day of eating I have ever embarked on.  Not only were we eating from 8am till 12 mn, we were also supposed to cover food from the North to the South and from East to the West.  But the craziest thing was to do it with two of the craziest guys in the blogsphere, viz Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi. Bright and early at Outram Park Ya Hua Now, you are of course

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To start the week with a smile, here is one dedicated to all the office workers out there. Keep your eyes out of trouble and have a great week ahead. Thanks Harold for this video and your kind words really put me in good stead towards a plesant week.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Some of you would have probably noticed that I have removed the chat facility on my sidebar. The reason being, it was abused by spammers and those who kept going on about my personal life.

If you want to know about me, read my blog, I don't give updates on what I do in my private time. I only answer queries and have casual chat with my readers. For those of you who have asked me genuine questions, I hope you will follow up via email.

Obviously I was mistaken to think that most of you are matured enough to know what the chat facility was. Well, we live and learn. I may bring it back soon though, once I'm over the bad aftertaste.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I've finally managed to mark out one of my resolutions for 2012, which is to cut my weekend drinking outings with my girlfriends to six times in the first six months.

I actually aimed for once a month but I did go out on two consecutive weekends in May. However, I was a good girl in March and stayed away from the pubs for the whole month.

Having said that, it doesn't mean that I stopped meeting my friends altogether. It's just that we chose to meet at our respective homes on separate occasions. But we agreed we needed to get away from the crowds which were getting to be a bore. The same odd foreigner trying their utmost to impress but a big turn off in the process. The good news was we actually saved quite a bit of moolah.

We got to drink to our heart's content and didn't burn a hole in our pockets. All except one of us is married so the extra savings would definitely come in handy.

This weekend, I was 'pulled out of retirement' to do a bachelorette party. It had all the ingredients for a perfect and wild party but unfortunately, the bride-to-be was not what you might consider the sporting type. Her friends had gone through all the trouble to plan this but she was quite obviously repulsed by the 'fun' that was arranged for her. Anyway, I got paid higher than normal which is always a plus. Now I really going to retire once and for all!!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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In today's fast-paced world, sex has often been pushed down the list by many couples. In fact, for many, it has become so monotonous that it's no more than going through the motions. It's a plug-and-play era.

This cartoon sent in by Solaris4 from Norway, describes how numerous couples living in urban areas are seeing sex. Have a good weekend.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Singapore Memory Project Food Trail: Follow us on #sgmemory tomorrow!

My 18 hour food trail with Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi starts tomorrow at 8am and we will eat our way across Singapore till 12 midnight! Along the way we will document our exploits via Twitter at #sgmemory.  I shall also be updating my facebook and twitter pages on the go so you too can join in the fun.   As you follow our trail, you too might suddenly have that "Ay, I remember a really great

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Broadcast Asia 2012

Broadcast Asia showcases technological developments in the broadcasting, film and pro-audio industries. This year there were much more 3D technologies being showcased. Seems that’s what the industry is really pushing hard right now. I didn’t see any of the ‘glasses free’ 3D televisions already showcased in Tokyo. That’s quite a disappointment.


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Eng Wanton Mee: Death by Chilli

Wanton Mee Small $4, Large $5 Fans of Eng's Wanton Mee would no doubt know by now that they have moved into their own premises along Tanjong Katong road. That means that now you can get your Wanton Mee fix throughout the day in relative comfort.  Eng's progression to a standalone shophouse is a welcome development as it will ensure that their 60 year old recipe can be enjoyed by future

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This week's tease pic was taken early last year and was treated by a designer friend of mine. I hope you like it.

I also like to add that another purpose of my Thursday Tease photos is to encourage women to embrace their bodies no matter what shape or size they are in. If you begin to like your body, you will ultimately ooze confidence which can and will be picked up.

If however, there is something you don't like about it, you can work to change it through diet and exercise. If you are embarrased to look at yourself in the nude or shy away from it, you will never do anything to effect any desired change. Also, chances are you will be absolutely conscious to let another pair of eyes look at you.

Enjoy your body and let your partner know you enjoy it too.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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If you want a discrete sex toy, it is very unlikely that you will ever find one in this form. In fact, it was never even designed for its ‘other’ more-renowned purpose to begin with. Marketed as a hand-held muscle massager, it is now the secret sex toy of many women around the world. The best part is they don’t have to hide it deep in their wardrobes under the face towels anymore.

I got mine from Edenfantasys which was packaged innocently enough. However, I had heard that it was the perfect clit massager which was all that a woman needed to achieve a big O like never before.

Obviously, with all the hype feeding my voracious curiosity, I knew the Hitachi Magic Wand, was a sex toy I needed to try out myself. Reading the reviews made me think it was just too good to be true.

Now, before anything, I need to remind those of you from outside the US to make sure that you have the right voltage before using this. If not, you will need to get a voltage converter or you will ruin the device. I will also issue a warning to those who are extra sensitive down south because this baby, even at its lowest speed, is quite relentless. You could perhaps place a towel in between to take off the intensity somewhat.

I recommend that you use this device whilst you are a little moist. You really don’t need to apply any pressure on your clit. Just sit it gently against yourself and let the rumbling vibrations do its job. I can certainly testify that the Magic Wand from Edenfantasys will work at any time, whether or not you are in the mood or not. It WILL get you in the mood.

I am saying this because prior to using it, I had just had a hectic day and had a few run-ins with some editors so sex was farthest from my mind. However, once I turned it on after my shower, it dissolved all my day’s stressors. It was like magic. Clearly the best vibrator-type toy I have ever owned. It’s true Magic!

Missus Singapore out!

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store
This post was sponsored by
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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One of the biggest misconceptions about sex, which I too have been guilty of years ago, is that sex should always be about performance. Do it well or don't do it at all.

That however, can put enormous pressure and expectations in the forefront and in some ways ruin any hope of have a healthy and uninhibitied sex life. It is important for both parties to know that they do not need to perform like porn stars each time they have sex. Neither does the woman have to doll herself up or don the hottest lingerie she has.

Inevitably, doing as such once in a while can add that special spice to things. However, do it too often and it can actually have the opposite effect. The reason why that is special is because you don't do it often.

Sex should be fun, frivolous and relaxing but as it stands, that is not the case these days. Society has somehow ingrained in us that one needs to have fantastic sex all the time. What is more important I feel, is to not focus on how you or your partner performs in bed but to channel your energy on having a great time. Sex is what it is but how enjoyable it is to us really depends on us.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Durian Degustation X!: Registration now open!

Registration is closed! Thanks for your overwhelming support! Notice is hereby given that registration for Durian Degustation X is now opened! (Wow! Is it really the Tenth time we are doing this?) Depending on supply on that day, there should be the usual Mao Shan Wang, D24, Hong Xia, Golden Phoenix, XO and perhaps Green Bamboo, Rajah or D17! Details Date: 29 Jun 2012 Venue: 229 East Coast

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My baby's kick log

So I'm now 4.5 months pregnant and my yet-to-be-named baby (whom I shall refer to as 'Baby' with a capital B) seems to have a mind of his own. How so? Let me count the ways... 

  1. This Sunday morning at mass, the priest asked all fathers to stand up so he could say a special Father's Day prayer. My husband didn't want to stand up, but Baby had other ideas... just as the priest began his prayer, Baby gave me a kick!
  2. This Sunday evening, a church friend asked me if I was going to take more than 4 months' leave to take care of Baby. I replied, "Initially I was thinking of it, but looking at my workload I may have to return to the office after four months--" And Baby kicked me again!
  3. This evening, we read reports on how men who drink tea increase their risk of prostate cancer. However, my husband already had his mind set on a calming cup of Camomile tea. So he said defiantly, "I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and get prostate cancer." Baby kicked!
Let's hope for more such timely kicks to come, over the next 4.5 months...

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Gu Ma Jia: It is really like eating at Aunty's place

Assam Fish Head $25 (half) nett You can just imagine why Gu Ma Jia is called Gu Ma Jia (First Auntie's House) right?  Well, the story goes that Gu Ma has 5 brothers and 1 sister and is not only the eldest in the family but also happens to be the best cook.  So the younger brothers and sisters often invite themselves over for some of Gu Ma's home cookin'.  After a while they managed to persuade

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Don't try this to get your man's attention. Snacks over sex? Well tough one to call! Thanks Quintin, for this commercial.

Have a great week ahead. Keep safe and stay well.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there. I hope you have a wonderful day with the family and do take some time out of your Bored Husband Chair to embrace the day. Hopefully, the missus has something in store for you when the lights go down.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I've received quite a number of emails about this very same topic. Most surprisingly, these are mostly from MARRIED women. I decided to feature this one from a 28-year old woman, Zenn S, from Singapore.

"Hi MS. I've been married for three years and my husband and I have had sex a total of 10 times over that period. He says that I am not comfortable with my body which is why he feels awkward when he touches me whenever we make love.

"I've been brought up in a very conservative family and have only ever had sex with my husband. I have to admit that I'm rather uncomfortable looking at my naked body in the mirror and feel totallly conscious when I touch myself. How can I overcome this?"

MS: Zenn, being from a conservative family sometimes has it's disadvantages, one major one of which you are not experiencing. I mean, having sex 10 times in three years is really bad. The fact that you can actually count the number of sexual encounters with your husband during the 'honeymoon' years is bad enough and imagine what it would be like in years to come.

Sex is a natural instinct and right for healthy individuals. In a marriage, it's a bond maker and intimacy promoter. Without it, things can really get boring. You ought to get started on exploring your body each time you take a shower.

Touch yourself and note where it gives you the most pleasure. Try taking a shower together or laying in the bathtub with your hubby scrubbing your back. You have to actively put yourself into situations where touch will be a natural (not necessarily sexual) part of the act. At the same time, you can also explore how your husband likes to be touched.

Should you get aroused, take yourselves to the bed and continue where you left of. Sometimes, you just need an 'excuse' to get things started and your natural and spontanoeus reactions will take over. Give it a try. If it's any consolation, I've received many other letters expressing what you are going through.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Stuart sent this photo in his email saying that with sex playing no part in his marriage these days, he wouldn't mind having a room with such a view.

He writes, "My wife scorns at anything porn-hish in our home. She is so worried that her elder brother (a pastor) would drop by and see it. So you can understand why a view like this would appeal to me."

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Ocean Kingdom Seafood Restaurant: Of Foodies and Deadly Dishes

Humans have an innate fascination for novelty.  I think I speak on behalf of most foodies here that one of the really exciting things about being a foodie is being able to taste something new.  Actually, a foodie is like a collector of sorts.  Some people collect stamps (I don't know how many people do nowadays!), some collect cars (matchbox ones), some people just sit around and collect dust

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If you're in Singapore, you would have probably read in the news about the 'sex for business' corruption case involving three women. Well, it appears as if this is news when such arrangements have been going on for the longest time.

If you have been following my blog over the years, you would have come across posts highlighting these occurences amongst readers and even some acquaintainces and friends of mine. Yet, its spread all over the news as if they found a cure for cancer.

Now reporters are hounding these women as if they are subjects of a witch hunt. They saw the opportunity, they took it and they will face the consequences if any, with their family members. For these three who were mentioned, there are scores more who do it on a daily basis. So if there ever was any doubt about the lack of maturity in our local press, this will put an end to it.

Many women sleep their way in the career ladder just as many women sleep their way to get the targeted man of their dreams to marry them. It's part of life. We sometimes suffer the consequences when the man decides not to marry us despite our most spectacular bedroom antics. No different with these three women.

Let them be and let's not be so critical or judgemental in how we view them. We don't even know the consequences that led them to do what they did. And why would we ever trust the local media to get to the crux of the truth. We should know better.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Singapore Memory Project Food Trail: The Aftermath!

Last Saturday was the most unforgettable day of eating I have ever embarked on.  Not only were we eating from 8am till 12 mn, we were also supposed to cover food from the North to the South and from East to the West.  But the craziest thing was to do it with two of the craziest guys in the blogsphere, viz Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi. Bright and early at Outram Park Ya Hua Now, you are of course

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Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 6, 2012


To start the week with a smile, here is one dedicated to all the office workers out there. Keep your eyes out of trouble and have a great week ahead. Thanks Harold for this video and your kind words really put me in good stead towards a plesant week.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Some of you would have probably noticed that I have removed the chat facility on my sidebar. The reason being, it was abused by spammers and those who kept going on about my personal life.

If you want to know about me, read my blog, I don't give updates on what I do in my private time. I only answer queries and have casual chat with my readers. For those of you who have asked me genuine questions, I hope you will follow up via email.

Obviously I was mistaken to think that most of you are matured enough to know what the chat facility was. Well, we live and learn.
I may bring it back soon though, once I'm over the bad aftertaste.
Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I've finally managed to mark out one of my resolutions for 2012, which is to cut my weekend drinking outings with my girlfriends to six times in the first six months.

I actually aimed for once a month but I did go out on two consecutive weekends in May. However, I was a good girl in March and stayed away from the pubs for the whole month.

Having said that, it doesn't mean that I stopped meeting my friends altogether. It's just that we chose to meet at our respective homes on separate occasions. But we agreed we needed to get away from the crowds which were getting to be a bore. The same odd foreigner trying their utmost to impress but a big turn off in the process. The good news was we actually saved quite a bit of moolah.

We got to drink to our heart's content and didn't burn a hole in our pockets. All except one of us is married so the extra savings would definitely come in handy.

This weekend, I was 'pulled out of retirement' to do a bachelorette party. It had all the ingredients for a perfect and wild party but unfortunately, the bride-to-be was not what you might consider the sporting type. Her friends had gone through all the trouble to plan this but she was quite obviously repulsed by the 'fun' that was arranged for her. Anyway, I got paid higher than normal which is always a plus. Now I really going to retire once and for all!!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 6, 2012


In today's fast-paced world, sex has often been pushed down the list by many couples. In fact, for many, it has become so monotonous that it's no more than going through the motions. It's a plug-and-play era.

This cartoon sent in by Solaris4 from Norway, describes how numerous couples living in urban areas are seeing sex. Have a good weekend.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Singapore Memory Project Food Trail: Follow us on #sgmemory tomorrow!

My 18 hour food trail with Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi starts tomorrow at 8am and we will eat our way across Singapore till 12 midnight! Along the way we will document our exploits via Twitter at #sgmemory.  I shall also be updating my facebook and twitter pages on the go so you too can join in the fun.   As you follow our trail, you too might suddenly have that "Ay, I remember a really great Roti

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Broadcast Asia 2012

Broadcast Asia showcases technological developments in the broadcasting, film and pro-audio industries. This year there were much more 3D technologies being showcased. Seems that’s what the industry is really pushing hard right now. I didn’t see any of the ‘glasses free’ 3D televisions already showcased in Tokyo. That’s quite a disappointment.


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Eng Wanton Mee: Death by Chilli

Wanton Mee Small $4, Large $5 Fans of Eng's Wanton Mee would no doubt know by now that they have moved into their own premises along Tanjong Katong road. That means that now you can get your Wanton Mee fix throughout the day in relative comfort.  Eng's progression to a standalone shophouse is a welcome development as it will ensure that their 60 year old recipe can be enjoyed by future

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This week's tease pic was taken early last year and was treated by a designer friend of mine. I hope you like it.

I also like to add that another purpose of my Thursday Tease photos is to encourage women to embrace their bodies no matter what shape or size they are in. If you begin to like your body, you will ultimately ooze confidence which can and will be picked up.

If however, there is something you don't like about it, you can work to change it through diet and exercise. If you are embarrased to look at yourself in the nude or shy away from it, you will never do anything to effect any desired change. Also, chances are you will be absolutely conscious to let another pair of eyes look at you.

Enjoy your body and let your partner know you enjoy it too.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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