Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 7, 2011


For some reason, I had a wave of visitors from neighbouring Malaysia last week. No kidding when I say they came by the hundreds! Naturally, I had a flurry of emails as well. Mostly comments on how they enjoyed my site. Thank you all!

The other issue brought up a lot was the fact that many were interested in the sex toys that I mentioned and reviewed in some of my earlier posts. I am not sure what are the laws for bringing in such toys into the country there but over here, there is really no problem. The only thing the authorities frown at is bringing in DVDS. In any case, you can get them online.

Many have intimated wanting to come down to buy toys from here. Well, we have quite a few sex toys stores here but seriously my dear neighbors, they are rip-offs! What you buy online will be about three times less on average. So before you start coming down south, think about getting them online, if possible that is. However, I cannot vouch if there are restrictions there.

If you want to get them from a bricks and mortar store, try Australia. They are just as cheap and of good quality. Do check however, if you can bring them into your country. Hope that helps.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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