"It's clear he only wants to show me off. I'm really okay with that but what I hate most is that he always interrupts me when I want to put any opinions through or mingle." She said.
However, what she doesn't realise is that when she is out with her friends and her husband is with her, she does the same thing to him. Granted he is a pleasant enough guy with a nice butt (LOL!) it is obvious that he is also ther for show, because he is a successful in his career. I know because I am often there during these social outings.
When I poinbted this out to her, she was a little taken aback but after some thought, realised that she too was guilty of the very same thing that she accuses her husband of.
Well, it's normal isn't it? At some point, married or not, we either consciously or unconsciously showcase our 'catch'. It's human nature really to try to do so and at the same time, as a means to convince ourselves that we are with a great partner.
It's a trophy society and no one can deny it. That's what we have all come to subscribe whether we admit it or not.
Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose
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