Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2012


It’s a known fact that the longer a guy waits to cum, the more intense it is. But as many guys have told me, the problem is that it’s a lot easier in theory than it is to put to practice. So when a guy is fully aroused, chances are he is fighting hard in holding back from climaxing.

That said, on the other side of the fence, many women wrongly assume that his growing excitement translates to him wanting to ejaculate as soon as possible. Of course it’s a matter of body over mind and when it’s a battle between fighting off a cum and cumming, the latter always wins.

The best thing I can suggest is to take a strategic time-out. Try not to go at it with the same intensity from the word ‘Go’. Try the start-stop method. Focus can be turned to (READ: Pull the thang out) the woman (Yay!) as the man goes down on her or plants kisses all over her body. Yes, we ladies do like that!

Of course you can’t do that indefinitely but the best thing is to get the woman off first and eventually, have a mind-blowing one yourself. I’m told the orgasms this way are quite amazing.

If you’re very comfortable with each other, a woman can try applying some firm pressure on the tip of his penis after he pulls out of her. This will take some of the pressure off him and prolong his climax a little longer.

I remember some time ago, there was this young fella. All macho and what have you but he was ultra horny (so he says), but I see it as a bit of a pre-mature ejaculator! He gets hard fast no doubt, but all you really needed to do was hold his tool in your hand and bam, out it cums. A good load but hell, you can almost forget about any form of penetrative sex.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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