Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 2, 2012


Following a recent post, I've received several emails encouraging me to go for it - the modeling gigs that is. It was unexpected but really a nice boost. I've also received a few other emails asking what my secret was in keeping in shape and looking the way I did (I hope that was a compliment!).

Well, there is no secret to be honest. Keeping in shape is not something you should take for granted. I for one, keep up to a vigorous routine of exercise and workouts, thanks to my SO. But you really have to keep at it. As you age, skin care becomes more important and this is perhaps why sun-screeens and good nutrition are vital.

In my younger days, I admit, I was careless in what I ate and how I managed my skin care. Thankfully, I did realise it soon after why looking after it at a younger age will pay dividends when you get older. Of course it's never too late to start but the message is you will have to do something about it.

Just because you have good genes doesn't automatically mean that you will retain them when you get older. I have several friends who were really lookers and had solid bodies to go along but somehow along the way, they just let it go and ignored themselves.

Emotional happiness and contentment in life is also vital. Keep things simple and be happy and grateful with what you have however little it may seem because if you don't, you will always be left rueing the next person who has a little more than you. That's my simple philosophy; while there may be a limit how beautiful we can look on the outside, there is no limit for how beautiful we can be on the inside.

Lastly, laugh alot and have (orgasmic) sex like there's no tomorrow.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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