Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2012


I'd like to share with you another weird arrival to Missus Singapore. It cam in through Google Search on Monday. As I said before, I doubt the effectiveness of search engines seeing that they don't have a clue what they are doing.

Here is the set of keywords in question: "wet pants in bed"


How could someone actually end up on Missus Singapore with those words? It could mean one of several things - someone with urinary incontinence, a parent looking for a solution to a bed-wetting child or someone who has wet dreams.

Even so, is there any reason how they end up here? This is a long shot but if the individual who keyed in those words is reading this, please send me an email. I'd really like to get down to the bottom of this.

Missus Singapore out!

Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Kong Lee Hup Kee Trading: Excuse me, are you Mr Mao Shan Wang?

When I was a kid, Durian season was very special and we would look forward to it with much anticipation.  Nowadays, it feels as if you can get Durians throughout the year.  That is made possible by the lengthening of the Malaysian Durian Season as well as the importation of Durians from other countries such as Thailand. The main season for Malaysian Durians starts from May and lasts until

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I'm sure this T will bring on lots of smiles from the gals. Thank you Fann for this and all the other interesting photos you emailed in. While they certainly had my eyes popping out, unfortunately, it's a too little risque for some of my sponsors. But I'm certain I will put them to good visual use.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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My little Riverdance baby

I’ve come to learn that babies like to change positions while inside the womb. And sometimes, they simply like staying where they are.

For the past few days, my baby has been happily lying horizontally across my tummy, with his head on my left and his feet on my right. I can tell because the hardest kicks come from the right.

There’s now an added dimension to his behaviour. This morning in bed, I rolled onto my right side. Given that baby was still in the same position, this meant that he was effectively standing upright. Finding some solid ground (my tummy + the mattress), he started to stomp!




Then it became a two-footed stomp, because I could feel his other foot coming in.




As his stomping got harder, his head started to bump against my left side. So it became,



We were so amused just feeling his head and feet in action that we let him stomp away until he got tired.

Then I got out of bed.

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Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 7, 2012

Ieat's Hands-on Pizza Workshop: Registration now open!

Pizza Margherita made in a Smeg home oven My fascination with Pizza started back in 2009 when I first wrote about Vera Pizza Napoletana (VPN) which is considered the true original pizza from Naples.  Since then my friend Damien and I have been doing many Pizza experiments at home, trying out different flours, different techniques, testing out different ovens in our attempt to make a pizza at

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Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 7, 2012

Tsukiji Market: What you need to know about Maguro (Tuna)

Bluefin Tuna When you order Akami-dane (red flesh fish) at a Sushi bar, you will invariably be given Tuna.  Unlike Shiromi-dane (white flesh fish) which include fish like Tai (Sea Bream), Hirame (Olive Flounder) and Kanpachi (Amberjack), there is essentially only one fish that qualifies as Akami-dane and that is Tuna.  But the piece of "Tuna" can come from a few sub-species which can range from

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Miss Universe 2012 – The 14 Finalists

The Miss Universe Singapore pageant is coming up. Here are the 14 finalists who have made it through the selection process. View these lovely ladies in our exclusive 360° virtual tour feature and support your favorite gal by voting for her in the public opinion poll. Who will represent Singapore in the 2012 Miss Universe Pageant ?

Evening Wear:

Street Wear:

ATTENTION iPhone and iPad users ! This feature is iOS compatible !

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Following last week's theme of Friends With Benefits, here is a video to explain why I don't think the term is quite appropriate. It could really mean something so innocent like what the cat and bird are doing.

Have a great week ahead and remember to put in an honest shift so that you can play hard without guilt once the weekend comes.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Alas, this is the last part of the friends with benefits' series. As promised, here is a collection of people who shared their experiences with me. I hope you find them inciteful.

Don (Albany): 'My FB and I have been at it since we left college. We are now in our 5th year at it. I think we have been successful because we know our boundaries. We are both very career minded and have no time for any serious relationship. So this works best for us.'

Sinta: 'Don't get your regular friends involved. A bad idea.'

Kelly (Singapore): 'Never try to have a sex friend who works in the same office as you. You can be as discrete as you want but things will be found out. Trust me. We were not forced to quit but it became really awkward when someone saw us behaving intimately.'

Ralph_sody (US): 'I liken this to swinging. So I play by the same rules. The most uncomplicated types are with married couples. Not dating couples, i repeat, married couples. No complications and you are reminded where you stand.'

Ching Lin (Singapore): 'If your FB starts to get romantic and mushy, it's time to call it quits. Always keep it simple and leave no footprints, which means no gifts, nothing.'

EspanaMary (Madrid): 'Always try to change the location of your meetings. Keep it exciting and let loose your fantasys.'

Downtowngal: 'I've had many FBs over the years. I try to keep changing them or they get clingy. The best are couples. If they are steady or married, even better. They express their love to each other and use me as a prop, which I do not mind. No emotional problems with them. But hard to find willing couples though. You have to search hard.'

Gong: 'Don't bother too much about looks andbeauty. That way, you can easily keep your attraction focused on what's below the waist.'

Ann (Malaysia): 'Keeping it cold emotionally between FBs ensures that the relationship stays hot  (the sex) for a long time.'

If you guys like to share with me your experiences, you can continue to send them in. I hope you enjoyed this series or at least learnt something from it. Thanks also for all of you who sent in your comments regarding this series.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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A NSA sex relationship can be a totally exhilarating experience but in order to reach that nexus of sexual gratification, you will need to understand and embrace the rules of engagement. Failure to do so may complicate things – something that goes against the basic principles that govern it.

Separate feelings
This is a tricky one. You need a strong mind. This is not an emotional relationship so be direct if you need to be in order to check if both parties feel the same way. If you notice emotions entering the fray, it’s time to re-look at the situation and engineer a change or break ties once and for all. You need a shared understanding after lines are drawn.

Be honest
Yes, honesty is the best platform to spring your NSA relationship from. One of the advantages of this is that you can be upfront with regards to your intentions. Clearly communicating your expectations and boundaries helps prevent misunderstandings and confusion.

Don’t try to change

It would be a big mistake to try and change yourself or your partner during the course of your relationship. It is also just as bad to mislead your partner when you sense that emotions may be emerging. This amounts to trickery and ultimately, someone is bound to be hurt. Neither should you take advantage of the situation.

Limit meet-ups
One of the biggest mistakes made is when partners fail to find a balance between emotional detachment and physical intimacy. One way to do this is to limit your time spent together. Going out on dates is not the way to go. When you spend more time together, this can propagate feelings for one another and mixed messages may be sent.

Safe sex 
Any type of sex you have should be safe. With no promise of exclusivity, you can never tell who else your partner might be having sex with. Just as your happiness in such a relationship is your responsibility, so too is your health.

Missus Singapore out!

PS: Look out for the last installment of this series when I will post interesting testimonials by some people who are in a NSA sex relationship.
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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So before we slip into the rules for engagement when in a fuck-buddy sort of relationship, I just thought it pertinent to delve a little into the hazards that may emerge. Thereafter, I’ll touch on why such relationships appeal.

These are just some of the reported issues linked to a NSA sexual relationship; ruining future friendships and serious relationships, loneliness and depression, lower self-esteem, unwanted pregnancy, and invariably, the risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. There are also a few cases reported where it also ruined one’s reputation.

With that out of the way, we can now focus on why people are enticed by NSAs. The first is that there are no commitments to adhere to, liberating to say the least. Let’s face it, for the majority of us, sex is one of the most enjoyable instinctive activities that our species enjoys, for as long as we are able to.

With this freedom comes the much-desired aspect of sexual experimentation – something I feel is an important part of maintaining a healthy sex life. We all get to explore and discover our sexual fantasies without the overhanging restrictions of guilt or shame.

Variety is another element that many of us lack and this offers just that. The ability to keep things fresh and new is underrated. To be able to keep the lines between work/family and sex play distinct makes things simple and less complicated.

Being in a serious relationship often blurs these lines and that can be quite stressful for some of us to deal with. If many of us had a choice, I’m quite sure we would want to keep them separate. So there we are, all set to move into the rules of engagement. Watch out for that in Part 3 of this series.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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ieat Seafood Makan Session at Ocean Kingdom restaurant

We had a great evening and from what I gather, everyone really enjoyed the food at Ocean Kingdom last night! So happy that you all could come! Thanks to Jimmy and Mark for helping me organize the session.  Thanks also to David and his team for putting up a great session for us! If you are looking for fresh wild caught fish, Ocean Kingdom is the place to go!  You can buy it there direct or

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It’s obvious that the Internet and social networking has promoted the growth of the phenomenon of friends with benefits. It’s just so easy to connect unlike before.

You don’t have to go out as much as before, spend as much money or even, beg as much for a person looking for the same. They are all out there, just as eager as you are to have an uncommitted romp in the sack. Moreover, these days, it has been glamorised by society.

However, the challenge is to find such a friend, and when you do, how to keep the relationship on a steady and uncomplicated plateau.

For me personally, a ‘friend with benefits’ is not a term that sits nicely with me. I mean I have friends who help me with my IT issues, some let me in clubs without cover, others throw valuable work contacts my way – there is just so many ways that one can have a friend with benefits. I prefer the in-your-face term casual sex friend or fuck buddy.

On the surface, this NSA relationship can seem so simple but on the flip side - I’ve seen it many times before – it can also be a nightmare waiting to happen if you don’t strictly follow the rules.

If you are in such a relationship, then you will know that it may not always be so easy to maintain. If you are thinking of going into it, well, it’s only fair to lay out the ‘hazards’ that may show up at some point. Of course, you may be lucky enough to avoid them but still, they are worth a mention. Two of them come to mind.

This is no secret and it has been reported numerous times in the past – casual sex has the tendency to leave its players emotionally empty, and in some cases, physically and spiritually distressed.

I can almost hear many of you saying ‘That’s silly! I’m just in it for the sex. No emotions.’

That’s easier said than done. I’ve no doubt those are your initial thoughts and let’s just say you are able to keep to those principles. Your relationship lasts for an extended period of time before you eventually go your separate ways and close the book on that part of your life.

The problems however, are not so much with the NSA relationship. It’s how it affects you later, in your next, possibly serious one. I’ve heard it numerous times how some struggle to form strong emotional bonds or love, intimacy and trust with that someone special.

The second ‘hazard’ of having a friend with benefits is that over a prolonged period of time, it’s quite inevitable that one begins to crave more. It’s also common for some level of emotions to creep in. It’s really a natural thing for us humans to bond this way.

Science explains this as a natural progression that occurs when there is an exchange of physical energy that triggers the secretion of brain hormones. These chemicals are responsible for human bonding. Consider this – even after we stopped having sex with someone, we continue to feel some connection to them.

Having said that, it is still possible to have a healthy fuck buddy relationship and not be affected by it. Maturity is a useful trait. The other is sticking to the rules of engagement which I will cover in tomorrow’s post. Watch out for that.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Hokkaido Sushi: Dreaming of Gyu Don featuring Hokkaido Rice!

Ohmi Gyu Don with Sashimi Set $60++ If I had to pick something as my last meal, it would have to be a few slices of wonderfully marbled Wagyu over a bowl of steaming hot, pearly drops of Japanese rice. I just love the way the juices ooze out of the meat to mix with the sweet toothy rice.  It really is something I can eat everyday! When I visited Tatsuya's last month, I heard from Chef Sasaki

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Realistic Cock from Edenfantasys
Like it or not, this is an era where casual sex has been glamorised in today’s society. Even in conservative ones like those found across Asia, the phenomenon of ‘Friends with Benefits’ has emerged.

But in all honesty, this is nothing new. Back in the 80s, when casual sex was at its peak (just before AIDS came into the picture), I knew of many friends who were engaging in similar-type relationships. Then, it was referred to as – repeat after me – casual sex.

Personally, 'Friend with benefits’ is a term I feel is too broad and not specific enough. Before this phenomenon came about, my girlfriends and I used to refer to our trusty sex toys as our friends with benefits. But there is some validity in that.

Look at it this way, your ‘friend with benefits’ may desert you one day. Circumstances change and things can and often will get complicated. There is a rollercoaster of emotions at play which you fight to keep neutral. How will you take it when he or she finally decides to find someone else to settle down with?

This is why underneath it all, a true friend with benefits for a woman is one who will NEVER let you down, ALWAYS be by your bedside (or in your bag) and not offload unwanted baggage and issues on you. There won’t be any jealousy issues to deal with too.

Invariably, there is nothing quite like a real person as a friend with benefits but to be safe, it’s a good idea to have a back up in the form of a good quality sex toy. Nonetheless, like a real friend, you will have to do your research too.

If you intend to head down that road, there is a wonderland waiting for you to explore. Granted selecting from Edenfantasy sex toys is anything but easy – there are so many items to choose from – there is every possibility that you will find something to fit your whim and fancy. The best part, you can get these luxurious toys online.

Finding a friend with benefits has never been this easy and safe.

Missus Singapore out!

 Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store
This post was sponsored by
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I received this from two people in the same day. I guess it was telling me that I just needed to put it up. One up for the woman. Thanks James and Gloria72.

"A husband wrote the following letter for his wife and left it on the dining room table: 'To My Dear Wife, you will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, being 54 years old, can no longer satisfy.

I am very happy with you and I value you as a good wife. Therefore, after reading this letter, I hope that you will not wrongly interpret the fact that I will be spending the evening with my 18-year-old secretary at the Comfort Inn Hotel.

Please don't be upset - I shall be home before midnight."

When the man came home late that night, he found the following letter on the dining room table: "My Dear Husband, I received your letter and thank you for your honesty about my being 54 years old. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are also 54 years old.

As you know, I am a math teacher at our local college. I would like to inform you that while you read this, I will be at the Hotel Fiesta with Michael, one of my students, who is also the assistant tennis coach. He is young, virile and like your secretary, is 18-years-old.

As a successful businessman who has an excellent knowledge of math, you will understand that we are in the same situation, although with one small difference - 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18. Hence, I will not be home until sometime tomorrow."

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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717 Trading: You pay for what you get!

D100 - Bitter Sweet Durian It's been a rather fruitful (literally) Durian Season for me as I managed to expand the list of Durian cultivars as well as reliable Durian stalls on the blog.  I hope that it will be a useful reference for you when you head out for your next Durian Feast! As the season draws to a close,  I return again to 717 Trading to speak to Mr Goh, the Durian seller who really

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They say the rains are-a-coming. Well we just have to wait and see if we get some much-needed cooling from this dreadful weather.

To kickstart your week, here's a video which I am sure, many women can associate with. Cleaning your pipes never felt so good, you would want to do it over and over again.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Our Singapore Pledge: Share your thoughts at

A friend of mine challenged me to take part in the photo competition at  So since I wanted to do something a little different, I made this particular cinemagraph. But alas, when I tried to submit it, it got rejected because they only accept jpg files!!  Goes to show that you need to read the rules first! : ( Anyway, in case you still haven't heard about, it is a site where

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I hope you are all having a great weekend. I certainly am.

I just wanted to run this through you guys. Recently, at least over the past two months, I've been receiving numerous emails and speaking to numerous readers about the topic of fuck buddies, or friends with benefits.

Surprisingly, many of those were women wanting to know about the mechanics of a fuck buddy relationship. In fact they also asked if I could go about recommending them some.

For the guys, well, they are always wanting for me to connect them with other like minded gals. That has been ongoing for the last few years so I'm not surprised this is a common thing with them.

I've never quite given this much thought but I just may find a way to connect women and men here. Of course I will definitely need to know more about them to be able to make the right match, or at least a match that is as highly compatible as possible. However, I'd like to hear about your thoughts.

The first rules I'd throw in would be that everyone would have to show proof of being over 21 years of age. And secondly, show proof of being disease free. Then also each one must have a few photos taken. Too rigid?

I'd probably also have to do up another exclusive site like a cafe for everyone to come togehter and meet. This would also mean that I would have to test-drive the potential candidates.(LOL!) The things I do for you people!

Looking forward to hear your inputs.

Missus Singapore out!

PS: Watch out for my posts next week on friends with benefits.
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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One of the most important things about upholding a healthy and active sex life, is not the sex itself. Technique, mutual satisfaction, understanding and consideration is up there but ultimately, what goes on inside the mind is vital.

Many people claim that avoiding negativity is the way to go. And I fully agree with that, although getting it done is another thing altogether. But it's not impossible. Baby steps are the way to go.

It's important to take a few steps away from your hectic lives and look at the things that get you down or are sources of irritation and frustration. Start small. For me, it used to be keeping the home clean and looking after the kids' needs. I was not particularly good at that because I used to want to do everything for them.

But over the years, I've grown wiser and learnt how to delegate. If each one does their little part for the household, you will find yourself with more time for yourself. The knock on effect is that you get time to do your own stuff.

One of the most recent tasks I've completed is cleaning up my Facebook of pretentious and back-stabbing friends. Like many, I was excited with Facebook came around, eagerly adding and accepting old friends from school or work. But as time went by, I've realised why I had not kept in touch with many of them to begin with.

A good friend of mine told me once that they feel threatened by my beauty, self-confidence and assured womanhood and sexuality. Even some of the clothes I wear gets them commenting on why I shouldn't be wearing such revealing numbers.

I used to  brush that off but now, I think it's really true. They chide my openness, my open display of being and feeling sexy, and even talking about sex. I just feel so sorry for them as they continue to grow in frustration and let themselves just go.

So cleaning up Facebook and even Twitter, was a good step. My next one is to get my work organised. I actually have started on that and have someway to go but at least I've got over the difficult part - starting. With a clearer and more organised mind, chances are it will free up more time to slip into thoughts of enhancing one's sex life.

With everything gradually falling into place, I feel a lot lighter, energised, and ready to fly high over the next phase of my life. 

Missus Singapore out!

Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Food Cinemagraphs

I am experimenting with a new way shooting food photos. What do you think? Acknowledgements Thanks to @jeffcheong for the inspiration! Thanks to Chef Thomas of Hokkaido Sushi for providing the sushi.

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Flower Dome – Updated

I’ve just taken down the old Flower Dome VR that was shot before the official opening of the Gardens by the Bay and replaced it with an updated one.

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Here is a cartoon sent in my Caroline Lesta, from 'somewhere in the US'. It's a lesson on how NOT to commit political suicide. It is vital to touch on what people care about most and you will be on your way.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nhokwara (24) and Rosemary Chakwizira (28) leaving a Harare Magistrates court.

Three Zimbabwean women who were accused of raping male hitch-hikers in order to harvest their sperm have been cleared. Media reports indicated that a handful of hitch-hikers claimed they had been drugged, threatened with knives and even live snakes before they were forced into sex and then dumped by the roadside. The sperm was apparently used for 'ju-ju' witchcraft rituals.

The women, sisters Sophie Nhokwara (26), Netsai Nhokwara (24) and Rosemary Chakwizira (28), were exonerated by DNA evidence a newswire reported, an indication that police had arrested the wrong people.

The Nhokwara sisters were arrested after they were involved in a car accident and police found 30 used condoms in their car boot. They faced 17 counts of aggravated indecent assault in a country where a woman raping a man is not considered a criminal offence. The trio apparently told a Harare court they are merely hard-working prostitutes.

The lawyer representing all three women said that his clients were planning to sue the police for their “unlawful” arrests and for parading them on national TV as “female rapists”.

In March, one female motorist told AFP how she had recently pulled over to pick up a group of male hitchhikers who refused to get into her car for fear of being raped. Susan Dhliwayo, 19, said: “Now men fear women. They said: ‘We can’t go with you because we don’t trust you’.”

MS: Well, a guy friend of mine was telling me how he would readily provide his sperm for free sex, and was wondering why they had to be forced to do so at knife point. Possibly many others are like him but this is really irresponsible, don't you think?

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Tsukiji Market: What you need to know about Maguro (Tuna)

Bluefin Tuna When you order Akami-dane (red flesh fish) at a Sushi bar, you will invariably be given Tuna.  Unlike Shiromi-dane (white flesh fish) which include fish like Tai (Sea Bream), Hirame (Olive Flounder) and Kanpachi (Amberjack), there is essentially only one fish that qualifies as Akami-dane and that is Tuna.  But the piece of "Tuna" can come from a few sub-species which can range from

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Miss Universe 2012 – The 14 Finalists

The Miss Universe Singapore pageant is coming up. Here are the 14 finalists who have made it through the selection process. View these lovely ladies in our exclusive 360° virtual tour feature and support your favorite gal by voting for her in the public opinion poll. Who will represent Singapore in the 2012 Miss Universe Pageant ?

Evening Wear:

Street Wear:

ATTENTION iPhone and iPad users ! This feature is iOS compatible !

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Following last week's theme of Friends With Benefits, here is a video to explain why I prefer the term sex buddies. It's not misleading at all.

Have a great week ahead and remember to put in an honest shift so that you can play hard without guilt once the weekend comes.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 7, 2012


Alas, this is the last part of the friends with benefits' series. As promised, here is a collection of people who shared their experiences with me. I hope you find them inciteful.

Don (Albany): 'My FB and I have been at it since we left college. We are now in our 5th year at it. I think we have been successful because we know our boundaries. We are both very career minded and have no time for any serious relationship. So this works best for us.'

Sinta: 'Don't get your regular friends involved. A bad idea.'

Kelly (Singapore): 'Never try to have a sex friend who works in the same office as you. You can be as discrete as you want but things will be found out. Trust me. We were not forced to quit but it became really awkward when someone saw us behaving intimately.'

Ralph_sody (US): 'I liken this to swinging. So I play by the same rules. The most uncomplicated types are with married couples. Not dating couples, i repeat, married couples. No complications and you are reminded where you stand.'

Ching Lin (Singapore): 'If your FB starts to get romantic and mushy, it's time to call it quits. Always keep it simple and leave no footprints, which means no gifts, nothing.'

EspanaMary (Madrid): 'Always try to change the location of your meetings. Keep it exciting and let loose your fantasys.'

Downtowngal: 'I've had many FBs over the years. I try to keep changing them or they get clingy. The best are couples. If they are steady or married, even better. They express their love to each other and use me as a prop, which I do not mind. No emotional problems with them. But hard to find willing couples though. You have to search hard.'

Gong: 'Don't bother too much about looks andbeauty. That way, you can easily keep your attraction focused on what's below the waist.'

Ann (Malaysia): 'Keeping it cold emotionally between FBs ensures that the relationship stays hot  (the sex) for a long time.'

If you guys like to share with me your experiences, you can continue to send them in. I hope you enjoyed this series or at least learnt something from it. Thanks also for all of you who sent in your comments regarding this series.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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A NSA sex relationship can be a totally exhilarating experience but in order to reach that nexus of sexual gratification, you will need to understand and embrace the rules of engagement. Failure to do so may complicate things – something that goes against the basic principles that govern it.

Separate feelings
This is a tricky one. You need a strong mind. This is not an emotional relationship so be direct if you need to be in order to check if both parties feel the same way. If you notice emotions entering the fray, it’s time to re-look at the situation and engineer a change or break ties once and for all. You need a shared understanding after lines are drawn.

Be honest
Yes, honesty is the best platform to spring your NSA relationship from. One of the advantages of this is that you can be upfront with regards to your intentions. Clearly communicating your expectations and boundaries helps prevent misunderstandings and confusion.

Don’t try to change

It would be a big mistake to try and change yourself or your partner during the course of your relationship. It is also just as bad to mislead your partner when you sense that emotions may be emerging. This amounts to trickery and ultimately, someone is bound to be hurt. Neither should you take advantage of the situation.

Limit meet-ups
One of the biggest mistakes made is when partners fail to find a balance between emotional detachment and physical intimacy. One way to do this is to limit your time spent together. Going out on dates is not the way to go. When you spend more time together, this can propagate feelings for one another and mixed messages may be sent.

Safe sex 
Any type of sex you have should be safe. With no promise of exclusivity, you can never tell who else your partner might be having sex with. Just as your happiness in such a relationship is your responsibility, so too is your health.

Missus Singapore out!

PS: Look out for the last installment of this series when I will post interesting testimonials by some people who are in a NSA sex relationship.
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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So before we slip into the rules for engagement when in a fuck-buddy sort of relationship, I just thought it pertinent to delve a little into the hazards that may emerge. Thereafter, I’ll touch on why such relationships appeal.

These are just some of the reported issues linked to a NSA sexual relationship; ruining future friendships and serious relationships, loneliness and depression, lower self-esteem, unwanted pregnancy, and invariably, the risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. There are also a few cases reported where it also ruined one’s reputation.

With that out of the way, we can now focus on why people are enticed by NSAs. The first is that there are no commitments to adhere to, liberating to say the least. Let’s face it, for the majority of us, sex is one of the most enjoyable instinctive activities that our species enjoys, for as long as we are able to.

With this freedom comes the much-desired aspect of sexual experimentation – something I feel is an important part of maintaining a healthy sex life. We all get to explore and discover our sexual fantasies without the overhanging restrictions of guilt or shame.

Variety is another element that many of us lack and this offers just that. The ability to keep things fresh and new is underrated. To be able to keep the lines between work/family and sex play distinct makes things simple and less complicated.

Being in a serious relationship often blurs these lines and that can be quite stressful for some of us to deal with. If many of us had a choice, I’m quite sure we would want to keep them separate. So there we are, all set to move into the rules of engagement. Watch out for that in Part 3 of this series.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 7, 2012

ieat Seafood Makan Session at Ocean Kingdom restaurant

We had a great evening and from what I gather, everyone really enjoyed the food at Ocean Kingdom last night!  So happy that you all could come! Thanks to Jimmy and Mark for helping me organize the session.  Thanks also to David and his team for putting up a great session for us! If you are looking for fresh wild caught fish, Ocean Kingdom is the place to go!  You can buy it there direct or

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