Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 7, 2012


I've not had any weird arrivals in a long time so when this one popped out on the keywords some readers use to get to Missus Singapore, I figured I ought to share them with you. Ready for it?

'Jerking in Singapore on second floor."

I kid you not! This, according to blogger stats, were the keywords that brought - get this - not one, or two but three people here!

There is the possibility that it was the same person but seriously.

Jerking in Singapore? Well as far as I know, it is not merely a conservatively Asian thing but a global habit on most men of a certain age group, I dare say. But that wasn't the kicker! 'On the second floor' - that was it.

I mean does one really need to know what to do on the second floor? Is jerking off really that different from say the first or third floors? Is there something I a missing? What was that person really thinking and how on earth does a search engine decide that these words tag on to my site? Someone please enlighten me?

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

Link to full article

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