Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 12, 2011


Put your best forward!
We are almost there. We can just about put aside our 2011 journals and calendars to what has been a rather disappointing year. It began with lots of excitement and hope but for many, 2011 turned out to be a wet blanket.

Personally for me, 2011 happened to be a transitional year. Getting adjusted to the kids being more independent, which brought its ups and downs. Work wise it has been okay I suppose. Not as crazy as 2010 but then again, that was what I was hoping for, so in some ways, it worked out just fine.

My one achievement is that I managed to keep to my resolution of a blog post a day! Cheers me guys! I'm going to do my best to keep it up but I have to say all your emails and encouragement has kept me going.

I suppose I can hail 2011 as a good year healthwise since there has not been too much to report. A good thing mind you. I hope 2012 is an equally good year if not a better one healthwise for me and my family and of course to all of you.

Sex wise, I know 2010 was a better year but 2012 is looking full of prospects which I hope to follow up on. Spare a moment for the less fortunate amongst us and of course be kind to all creatures big and small. Let's celebrate life in 2012!

If you are out to paint the town red, make sure you put your best foot forward and make your mark, without getting into trouble.My most sincere wishes for a super 2012.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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