Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012

Durian Degustation XI: Registration is now opened!

Notice is hereby given that registration for Durian Degustation XI is now opened! Depending on supply on that day, we should be tasting Mao Shan Wang, D24, Hong Xia, Golden Phoenix, XO, Green Bamboo and hopefully Black Pearl! Details Date:9 Nov 2012 Venue: 229 East Coast Road (Opp Jago Close) Time: 8.00pm (Registration) Price: $30 Kids below 6: $15 To register:  Write to ieatishootipost@

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Joo Huat Pau: Darn Ugly, Darn Good

Da Pau $1.10 One of my fondest food memories as a kid is a particular Pau that my dad used to buy from Toa Payoh Lor 5.  It was from a little pau stall run by an elderly Hainanese couple.  My dad always called it "Hainang" sic pau.  I am not sure if the stall actually had a name, but to me it has always been known as Hainang pau. The Hainang pau was very different from any other pau.  It was

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Skirt: Aged Beef grilled over a Parilla!

Blackmore grade 9 Wagyu Ribeye There are two things about Skirt that I am very excited about.  Firstly, they are the first steak house in Singapore who are aging their own beef and secondly, they are the first (I think) to use an Argentinian Parilla to grill their meat!  In a market where the competition for the patronage of serious beefeaters is getting more competitive, I think that these two

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Joleen Kon, 37, a mother of two young children writes in from Singapore with a helpful tip that many here would find useful, since living in pigeon-hole apartments is commonplace.

She writes: "I think couples should think about setting up a love corner, as difficult as it seems. It's pretty hard getting in the mood when there are things all over the place. Imagine diapers, toys, clothes, etc, strewn around the house. How is anyone ever going to come home and feel in the mood?"

"You need your couple love corner for now, well at least until the kids start school or more accurately, leave the nest. If that is not really possible, make baby-sitting arrangements once in a while so that you can head to your love corner in a hotel or in a park."

"We didn't have a love corner when our first child came a long and we found ourselves drifting apart. Fortunately, we turned things around and made sure we had time for each other when the second arrived. We are much closer as a result of it."

"I know when children come along, many couples tend to sacrifice their time with each other to spend time with the kids but remember that a strong husband and wife relationship is also important when bringing up children. They need to feel the loving environment you build for them."

MS: I agree that in Singapore, finding time and space is the biggest challenge. But it is not impossible. But I like to add that sex is also a good de-stressor and you put in a good workout at the same time.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Here is a possible example of how rumours could start. Hope it puts a smile on your face and remember, the rainy season may be here but don't let it get you down. Have a great week and enjoy your Halloween.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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During a psychology class, a professor showed a large cage with a male rat in it. The rat was in the middle of the cage. Then, the professor kept a piece of cake on side and kept a female rat on the other side. The male rat ran towards the cake and ate it.

Then, the professor changed the cake and kept some bread . The male rat ran towards the bread. This experiment went on with the professor changing the food every time.

And, every time, the male rat ran towards the food item and never towards the female rat.

Professor concluded: “This experiment shows that food is the greatest strength and attraction.”

Then, one of the students from the back rows said: "Sir, why don't you try changing the female rat ? She may be his wife!

MS: Thanks James. Leaves me wondering if you are one of those always trying to get away from the wife.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Only The Best: Get your autographed and numbered copy today!

Promo video of "Only The Best" shot at the Ultimate Hawker Fest Over 250 people have already placed their orders for the first 300 copies (autographed and numbered) of "Only The Best"!  Many thanks to everyone for your support! If you are still procrastinating, STOP!  Book #288 is still available! Order today and have the book delivered straight to your doorstep for free! Click here to order

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Israel Food Trip: Machane Yehuda - Old Market of Jerusalem

Ashtanur Bakery, 125 Agripas St It's a shame that many Church groups that travel all the way to Israel to visit the Holy sites should miss the opportunity to visit the other attractions that Israel has to offer.  I find that you often discover the pulse of a nation when you visit their markets and Jerusalem is no exception.  In our tour of Israel we visited a total of five markets, but the one

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Click to enlarge
Politics is not something I talk about on my blog but I just had to highlight this protest about blow jobs.

If it really is what the sign says, then I am guilty of cannabalising billions of spermatozoon. Yup, I'm guilty as charged!

But I have to add that it did taste yummy. (gobble*slurp* burp*)

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Although most of you are probably aware of aphrodisiacs, I'd like to share with you some interesting information that I recently siphoned from a nutritionist.

I met her while I was covering an event on women's health. Let's just call her Juni. We started talking on the record about the essential vitamins and nutrients that a woman would require at different stages of her life.

Once that was tied up, I began to pose some off-record questions about aphrodisiacs. This was a golden opportunity to get some insight into what a nutritionist thinks about them.

I asked her if there were any known foods that could enhance one's sexual performance.

Although she was a little reluctant at first, I eventually got her spilling her proverbial beans, and boy did she ever.

I know as a nutritionist, one had to study the mainstream food elements but I was certain that aphrodisiacs would be a subject of their interests too. She was stepping out of her comfort zone but insisted that what she would share with me would be off-the-record.

Not surprisingly, her first mention was oysters, mainly because it had the effect of increasing one's level of zinc; an important element to support good circulation. But Juni was quick to add that since it had the effect of improving one's health, ultimately, one's sexual drive would be enhanced. But she did share one secret with me.

She said: "For women, try oysters with vodka. That seemed to do the trick for many." 

Another food she mentioned was chilli (or hot curries).

"They increase our heart rate and we get excited more easily. But chilli does have lots of health benefits other than for sex," she revealed.

Good to know but I'm sure she wasn't having oral sex in mind after consuming a fair dose of the red killers.

Lastly, she shares that during an exchange programme with Japanese nutritionists, they told her that wasabi (horseradish) does have a fiery effect for both men and women with respect to their libidos.

I always thought it was the sushi but instead it's the green stuff (wasabi) that came as a dip. So this was new to me. I will definitely try this one out and let you know how it goes. Looks like it's Japanese food sometime this weekend.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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The Grandest Story Ever Told!: Record your Grandmother story for posterity!

My grandma used to say that the way to pick up girls was to accidentally bump them onto the ground and then help them up!  She also used to say that the way to see if a person is the real owner of a certain item is to see if it sticks to their noses!  I guess that was her way of tell me that nothing belonged to me! Do you have a photo with a grandmother story to tell?  I am sure you do! 

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I've been asked this question quite a lot - How does one give a good blowjob? Obviously, it would be better to show it but seeing that I can only use words here, I will try my best to explain it.

I've never come across a man who didn't like oral sex. In fact, truth be told, and feedback from my male friends, many of them actually prefer a blow job to full penetrative sex. As such, it is important to know how to do it well.

Oral sex on a guy or fellatio, is also known as giving head, sucking off and mouth fucking. Indeed there are various ways to describe it but they are all essentially the same thing - pleasing a guy using the tongue, lips and mouth. Interestingly, there is no blowing involved when giving a blow job.

Bear in mind that the key to giving good oral sex is how well you mimic the sensations of full penetrative sex. Take his penis in your mouth, sucking up and down his shaft. Use lots of spit and vary the intensity, rhythm and speed of sucking. Be mindful though, no teeth should be involved in a blow job.

You might also like to try gently caressing his testicles. Another thing I have discovered is that when you occasionally establish eye contact during oral sex, it does turn him on more.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Here is another titbit on what a man would say if he ran an advice column.

Q: My husband continually asks me to perform oral sex on him. What should I do about it?

A: Do it. Semen can help you lose weight and gives a great glow to your skin. Interestingly, men know this. His offer to allow you to perform oral sex on him is totally selfless. This shows he loves you. The best thing to do is to thank him by performing it twice a day; then cook him a nice meal.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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It is not uncommon these days for women to evade sex. Sometimes it is due to sheer exhaustion, while at times, she may just want a little time out for herself so that she can indulge in some of the things she wants to do.

Jessy sent this toon which is probably an extreme case of sex evasion!

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Just what most guys would need to kick off the week with a wicked smile on their faces. Someone please send me a video of men so that we gals can oogle at something too? Preferably in tight see-thru briefs with no shorts?

Have a great Halloween week and party hard.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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How to make a Pizza: Featuring the SMEG Pizza Oven

I have been wanting to write a proper Pizza recipe post ever since I started experimenting with pizzas three years ago but never really got round to it.  This time round, I managed to finally get it done.  The motivation came in the form of my new SMEG Pizza Oven which made it possible for me to finally make a pizza the way I want to at home.   The problem with making pizzas at home, or

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My New Book Only The Best!: Be the First to own an Autographed Copy!

  I am very excited to announce that my latest book has just been sent off to the press!  We are expecting delivery on 16th November and it should hit bookstores everywhere before December!  We are also organizing a special Annual General Makan (AGM) Session on 8 December to celebrate the launch of the book! So keep the date free! There are many differences between this new book and The End

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Ultimate Hawker Fest: The Gracious Can-Do Singaporean Spirit!

Video by Rolleyes: I really think that we Singaporeans don't give ourselves enough credit.  There is so much talk about our society needing to be more gracious but I want to tell you that my whole experience organizing this hawker fest has made me appreciate just how gracious and generous Singaporeans really are! Those of you who were at the Ultimate Hawker Fest would

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It's here again - Halloween! Yup! It's the time of the year when invitations start piling up. My girlfriends are planning to meet up - some of us got invited to the same parties - to discuss which ones we intend to go to.

Once of the most enjoyable one I attended was way back in 2002. The theme was 'Pimps & Whores'. It was the most enjoyable one by far since almost everyone who attended had made the effort to dress their parts.

The activities were great too. Of course it helped that the host was a filthy rich guy who had lots of money to throw about. His home was made into this dirty back alley, with dumsters and all! There were neon lights all over to simulate a really sleazy precinct.

If you are looking to make a real mark on your Halloween this year, my advice is to slip out of your mundane everyday personality and go all out to freak as many people as you can. I really love it when people take the trouble to dress up.

So there's no theme to the party you are attending? Don't worry. Just check out what Edenfantasys has lined up for you this Halloween. There is the usual line up of costumes but there are also some sexy-scary garb that will be evergreen for your bedroom roleplaying antics. 

For those not intending to take in the occasion with a party, you can certainly spice up the night with your partner with some of these goodies. The best part is that neither of you will be ignored.

Missus Singapore out!
Spooky. Sexy. Fun. Happy Halloween from EdenFantasys!
This post was sponsored by
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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A few days ago, a Malaysian couple came into the public eye for their apparently 'obscene and distasteful' blog. They had put up photos and videos of their sexual encounters for all to see.

The guy is a law scholar in NUS and the blog had caused such outrage amongst many Malaysians and Singaporeans alike.

Yet again, I'm peeved with the reaction of so many self-proclaimed moralists.

Sex in these parts is such a taboo subject and if anything would get people talking about it, this would be it. It's really about time such judgemental people wake up and accept that the world is a different place now unlike what it was before the Internet came about.

So what if a couple wants to do this? Isn't it their prerogative? Are they hurting anyone? Is there any child or animal involved? Is drug-taking being promoted?

Sex is a joy! In fact, other than eating, it is the only really enjoyable thing our species can indulge in. Besides, it is also the most important thing we humans should indulge in to keep ourselves from extinction; a real problem in Singapore mind you.

The irony here in Singapore is that we are so in need of babies but no one seems to come out and say that to have babies, you need to have sex. And if you enjoy it, the higher likelihood you will want to have more and perhaps even start a family. It is sex first, babies next.

But whether or not you want to start a family, we need to celebrate sex. It's a lovely, de-stressing and wonderful activity, besides being highly useful to maintain good mind and body health.

Perhaps the couple could have gone about it more discreetly and if there is any fault to throw at them, this is about it.

I know for a fact that people who don't enjoy the same quality or even quantity of sex would comprise the biggest group amongst those who past negative judgegment on the couple. Personally, I can't even begin to count how many naysayers have emailed me with critical comments about my blog, and it isn't even a porn blog!

I talk sex here and while some things may be on the explicit side, I try to keep things tasteful and address them in an appropriate manner. Let's stop being such hypocrites. Censors are you listening? You idiots have banned Cosmo for so many years but allow trash articles in Women's Weekly, Female, Cleo and Her World to be published.

Just go gather some sex doctors or gynaecologists, sit them down and ask what sort of problems plague many young couples these days. For heaven's sake, some don't even know exactly what to do, let alone have babies! And these are educated people, apparently.

Explainations are never going to achieve as much as asking them to watch another couple at it. Obviously, not all porn is ideal but then again, I've seen lots of mild porn that provides wonderful lessons on the act itself.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Ultimate Hawker Fest is here!

  After 3 months of planning, the Ultimate Hawker Fest is finally upon us!! Today, all the hawkers will be going down to Millenia Walk to set up their stalls.  They have all been working very hard to come up with the Ultimate versions of their dishes and now what remains is for YOU to be the judge!  How tok kong can Hokkien Mee get?  Does Beef Kway Teow taste better with Wagyu Beef?  Will our

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Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2012

Joo Huat Pau: Darn Ugly, Darn Good

Da Pau $1.10 One of my fondest food memories as a kid is a particular Pau that my dad used to buy from Toa Payoh Lor 5.  It was from a little pau stall run by an elderly Hainanese couple.  My dad always called it "Hainang" sic pau.  I am not sure if the stall actually had a name, but to me it has always been known as Hainang pau. The Hainang pau was very different from any other pau.  It was

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Skirt: Aged Beef grilled over a Parilla!

Blackmore grade 9 Wagyu Ribeye There are two things about Skirt that I am very excited about.  Firstly, they are the first steak house in Singapore who are aging their own beef and secondly, they are the first (I think) to use an Argentinian Parilla to grill their meat!  In a market where the competition for the patronage of serious beefeaters is getting more competitive, I think that these two

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Joleen Kon, 37, a mother of two young children writes in from Singapore with a helpful tip that many here would find useful, since living in pigeon-hole apartments is commonplace.

She writes: "I think couples should think about setting up a love corner, as difficult as it seems. It's pretty hard getting in the mood when there are things all over the place. Imagine diapers, toys, clothes, etc, strewn around the house. How is anyone ever going to come home and feel in the mood?"

"You need your couple love corner for now, well at least until the kids start school or more accurately, leave the nest. If that is not really possible, make baby-sitting arrangements once in a while so that you can head to your love corner in a hotel or in a park."

"We didn't have a love corner when our first child came a long and we found ourselves drifting apart. Fortunately, we turned things around and made sure we had time for each other when the second arrived. We are much closer as a result of it."

"I know when children come along, many couples tend to sacrifice their time with each other to spend time with the kids but remember that a strong husband and wife relationship is also important when bringing up children. They need to feel the loving environment you build for them."

MS: I agree that in Singapore, finding time and space is the biggest challenge. But it is not impossible. But I like to add that sex is also a good de-stressor and you put in a good workout at the same time.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Here is a possible example of how rumours could start. Hope it puts a smile on your face and remember, the rainy season may be here but don't let it get you down. Have a great week and enjoy your Halloween.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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During a psychology class, a professor showed a large cage with a male rat in it. The rat was in the middle of the cage. Then, the professor kept a piece of cake on side and kept a female rat on the other side. The male rat ran towards the cake and ate it.

Then, the professor changed the cake and kept some bread . The male rat ran towards the bread. This experiment went on with the professor changing the food every time.

And, every time, the male rat ran towards the food item and never towards the female rat.

Professor concluded: “This experiment shows that food is the greatest strength and attraction.”

Then, one of the students from the back rows said: "Sir, why don't you try changing the female rat ? She may be his wife!

MS: Thanks James. Leaves me wondering if you are one of those always trying to get away from the wife.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2012

Only The Best: Get your autographed and numbered copy today!

Promo video of "Only The Best" shot at the Ultimate Hawker Fest Over 250 people have already placed their orders for the first 300 copies (autographed and numbered) of "Only The Best"!  Many thanks to everyone for your support! If you are still procrastinating, STOP!  Book #288 is still available! Order today and have the book delivered straight to your doorstep for free! Click here to order

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Israel Food Trip: Machane Yehuda - Old Market of Jerusalem

Ashtanur Bakery, 125 Agripas St It's a shame that many Church groups that travel all the way to Israel to visit the Holy sites should miss the opportunity to visit the other attractions that Israel has to offer.  I find that you often discover the pulse of a nation when you visit their markets and Jerusalem is no exception.  In our tour of Israel we visited a total of five markets, but the one

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Click to enlarge
Politics is not something I talk about on my blog but I just had to highlight this protest about blow jobs.

If it really is what the sign says, then I am guilty of cannabalising billions of spermatozoon. Yup, I'm guilty as charged!

But I have to add that it did taste yummy. (gobble*slurp* burp*)

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Although most of you are probably aware of aphrodisiacs, I'd like to share with you some interesting information that I recently siphoned from a nutritionist.

I met her while I was covering an event on women's health. Let's just call her Juni. We started talking on the record about the essential vitamins and nutrients that a woman would require at different stages of her life.

Once that was tied up, I began to pose some off-record questions about aphrodisiacs. This was a golden opportunity to get some insight into what a nutritionist thinks about them.

I asked her if there were any known foods that could enhance one's sexual performance.

Although she was a little reluctant at first, I eventually got her spilling her proverbial beans, and boy did she ever.

I know as a nutritionist, one had to study the mainstream food elements but I was certain that aphrodisiacs would be a subject of their interests too. She was stepping out of her comfort zone but insisted that what she would share with me would be off-the-record.

Not surprisingly, her first mention was oysters, mainly because it had the effect of increasing one's level of zinc; an important element to support good circulation. But Juni was quick to add that since it had the effect of improving one's health, ultimately, one's sexual drive would be enhanced. But she did share one secret with me.

She said: "For women, try oysters with vodka. That seemed to do the trick for many." 

Another food she mentioned was chilli (or hot curries).

"They increase our heart rate and we get excited more easily. But chilli does have lots of health benefits other than for sex," she revealed.

Good to know but I'm sure she wasn't having oral sex in mind after consuming a fair dose of the red killers.

Lastly, she shares that during an exchange programme with Japanese nutritionists, they told her that wasabi (horseradish) does have a fiery effect for both men and women with respect to their libidos.

I always thought it was the sushi but instead it's the green stuff (wasabi) that came as a dip. So this was new to me. I will definitely try this one out and let you know how it goes. Looks like it's Japanese food sometime this weekend.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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The Grandest Story Ever Told!: Record your Grandmother story for posterity!

My grandma used to say that the way to pick up girls was to accidentally bump them onto the ground and then help them up!  She also used to say that the way to see if a person is the real owner of a certain item is to see if it sticks to their noses!  I guess that was her way of tell me that nothing belonged to me! Do you have a photo with a grandmother story to tell?  I am sure you do! 

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I've been asked this question quite a lot - How does one give a good blowjob? Obviously, it would be better to show it but seeing that I can only use words here, I will try my best to explain it.

I've never come across a man who didn't like oral sex. In fact, truth be told, and feedback from my male friends, many of them actually prefer a blow job to full penetrative sex. As such, it is important to know how to do it well.

Oral sex on a guy or fellatio, is also known as giving head, sucking off and mouth fucking. Indeed there are various ways to describe it but they are all essentially the same thing - pleasing a guy using the tongue, lips and mouth. Interestingly, there is no blowing involved when giving a blow job.

Bear in mind that the key to giving good oral sex is how well you mimic the sensations of full penetrative sex. Take his penis in your mouth, sucking up and down his shaft. Use lots of spit and vary the intensity, rhythm and speed of sucking. Be mindful though, no teeth should be involved in a blow job.

You might also like to try gently caressing his testicles. Another thing I have discovered is that when you occasionally establish eye contact during oral sex, it does turn him on more.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Here is another titbit on what a man would say if he ran an advice column.

Q: My husband continually asks me to perform oral sex on him. What should I do about it?

A: Do it. Semen can help you lose weight and gives a great glow to your skin. Interestingly, men know this. His offer to allow you to perform oral sex on him is totally selfless. This shows he loves you. The best thing to do is to thank him by performing it twice a day; then cook him a nice meal.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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It is not uncommon these days for women to evade sex. Sometimes it is due to sheer exhaustion, while at times, she may just want a little time out for herself so that she can indulge in some of the things she wants to do.

Jessy sent this toon which is probably an extreme case of sex evasion!

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Just what most guys would need to kick off the week with a wicked smile on their faces. Someone please send me a video of men so that we gals can oogle at something too? Preferably in tight see-thru briefs with no shorts?

Have a great Halloween week and party hard.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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How to make a Pizza: Featuring the SMEG Pizza Oven

I have been wanting to write a proper Pizza recipe post ever since I started experimenting with pizzas three years ago but never really got round to it.  This time round, I managed to finally get it done.  The motivation came in the form of my new SMEG Pizza Oven which made it possible for me to finally make a pizza the way I want to at home.   The problem with making pizzas at home, or

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My New Book Only The Best!: Be the First to own an Autographed Copy!

  I am very excited to announce that my latest book has just been sent off to the press!  We are expecting delivery on 16th November and it should hit bookstores everywhere before December!  We are also organizing a special Annual General Makan (AGM) Session on 8 December to celebrate the launch of the book! So keep the date free! There are many differences between this new book and The End

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Ultimate Hawker Fest: The Gracious Can-Do Singaporean Spirit!

Video by Rolleyes: I really think that we Singaporeans don't give ourselves enough credit.  There is so much talk about our society needing to be more gracious but I want to tell you that my whole experience organizing this hawker fest has made me appreciate just how gracious and generous Singaporeans really are! Those of you who were at the Ultimate Hawker Fest would

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It's here again - Halloween! Yup! It's the time of the year when invitations start piling up. My girlfriends are planning to meet up - some of us got invited to the same parties - to discuss which ones we intend to go to.

Once of the most enjoyable one I attended was way back in 2002. The theme was 'Pimps & Whores'. It was the most enjoyable one by far since almost everyone who attended had made the effort to dress their parts.

The activities were great too. Of course it helped that the host was a filthy rich guy who had lots of money to throw about. His home was made into this dirty back alley, with dumsters and all! There were neon lights all over to simulate a really sleazy precinct.

If you are looking to make a real mark on your Halloween this year, my advice is to slip out of your mundane everyday personality and go all out to freak as many people as you can. I really love it when people take the trouble to dress up.

So there's no theme to the party you are attending? Don't worry. Just check out what Edenfantasys has lined up for you this Halloween. There is the usual line up of costumes but there are also some sexy-scary garb that will be evergreen for your bedroom roleplaying antics. 

For those not intending to take in the occasion with a party, you can certainly spice up the night with your partner with some of these goodies. The best part is that neither of you will be ignored.

Missus Singapore out!
Spooky. Sexy. Fun. Happy Halloween from EdenFantasys!
This post was sponsored by
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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A few days ago, a Malaysian couple came into the public eye for their apparently 'obscene and distasteful' blog. They had put up photos and videos of their sexual encounters for all to see.

The guy is a law scholar in NUS and the blog had caused such outrage amongst many Malaysians and Singaporeans alike.

Yet again, I'm peeved with the reaction of so many self-proclaimed moralists.

Sex in these parts is such a taboo subject and if anything would get people talking about it, this would be it. It's really about time such judgemental people wake up and accept that the world is a different place now unlike what it was before the Internet came about.

So what if a couple wants to do this? Isn't it their prerogative? Are they hurting anyone? Is there any child or animal involved? Is drug-taking being promoted?

Sex is a joy! In fact, other than eating, it is the only really enjoyable thing our species can indulge in. Besides, it is also the most important thing we humans should indulge in to keep ourselves from extinction; a real problem in Singapore mind you.

The irony here in Singapore is that we are so in need of babies but no one seems to come out and say that to have babies, you need to have sex. And if you enjoy it, the higher likelihood you will want to have more and perhaps even start a family. It is sex first, babies next.

But whether or not you want to start a family, we need to celebrate sex. It's a lovely, de-stressing and wonderful activity, besides being highly useful to maintain good mind and body health.

Perhaps the couple could have gone about it more discreetly and if there is any fault to throw at them, this is about it.

I know for a fact that people who don't enjoy the same quality or even quantity of sex would comprise the biggest group amongst those who past negative judgegment on the couple. Personally, I can't even begin to count how many naysayers have emailed me with critical comments about my blog, and it isn't even a porn blog!

I talk sex here and while some things may be on the explicit side, I try to keep things tasteful and address them in an appropriate manner. Let's stop being such hypocrites. Censors are you listening? You idiots have banned Cosmo for so many years but allow trash articles in Women's Weekly, Female, Cleo and Her World to be published.

Just go gather some sex doctors or gynaecologists, sit them down and ask what sort of problems plague many young couples these days. For heaven's sake, some don't even know exactly what to do, let alone have babies! And these are educated people, apparently.

Explainations are never going to achieve as much as asking them to watch another couple at it. Obviously, not all porn is ideal but then again, I've seen lots of mild porn that provides wonderful lessons on the act itself.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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Ultimate Hawker Fest is here!

  After 3 months of planning, the Ultimate Hawker Fest is finally upon us!! Today, all the hawkers will be going down to Millenia Walk to set up their stalls.  They have all been working very hard to come up with the Ultimate versions of their dishes and now what remains is for YOU to be the judge!  How tok kong can Hokkien Mee get?  Does Beef Kway Teow taste better with Wagyu Beef?  Will our

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Gen Shu Mei Shi She Jia: Ultimate Abalone and Scallop Congee!

Abalone Porridge Of all the hawkers whom I approached to take part in the Ultimate Hawker Fest, Gen Shu was the coolest.  To the former Head Chef of Mouth Restaurant, coming up with an Ultimate version of his famous Congee is but water off a duck's back or as they say in Cantonese, "Sup Sup Soi!" But tragedy struck a month after he agreed to take part in the event.  Our friend, Cactuskit

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Hougang Six Mile Muah Chee: Ultimate Muah Chee!

  When I asked Mr Teo, the Muah Chee man who is still making his dish by hand to take part in the Ultimate Hawker Fest, he told me that he will get back to me on it.  I hadn't heard from him after a month, so I thought that he wasn't too keen to take part in the festival. For most of the hawkers, taking part in the festival means that they have to close their stall for a day and that means the

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The evolution of the planned FB Club is still undergoing its rounds of gaining feedback. Please let me know if I have overlooked any of you. I really apologise.

I know many more of you out there are looking forward to meet and share your thoughts with me but I have to admit that I am really falling back on planning the meet-ups.

I also have to admit that some of these meet-ups have garnered very interesting suggestions, such as forget the rest and let's just have a 'Do MS Club.' Now that would not make it a FB Club would it now?

Imagine, some of you are actually prepared to pay a membership fee for these meet-ups of yours truly. Now wouldn't that make me a hooker or some sort?

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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