Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012


A few days ago, a Malaysian couple came into the public eye for their apparently 'obscene and distasteful' blog. They had put up photos and videos of their sexual encounters for all to see.

The guy is a law scholar in NUS and the blog had caused such outrage amongst many Malaysians and Singaporeans alike.

Yet again, I'm peeved with the reaction of so many self-proclaimed moralists.

Sex in these parts is such a taboo subject and if anything would get people talking about it, this would be it. It's really about time such judgemental people wake up and accept that the world is a different place now unlike what it was before the Internet came about.

So what if a couple wants to do this? Isn't it their prerogative? Are they hurting anyone? Is there any child or animal involved? Is drug-taking being promoted?

Sex is a joy! In fact, other than eating, it is the only really enjoyable thing our species can indulge in. Besides, it is also the most important thing we humans should indulge in to keep ourselves from extinction; a real problem in Singapore mind you.

The irony here in Singapore is that we are so in need of babies but no one seems to come out and say that to have babies, you need to have sex. And if you enjoy it, the higher likelihood you will want to have more and perhaps even start a family. It is sex first, babies next.

But whether or not you want to start a family, we need to celebrate sex. It's a lovely, de-stressing and wonderful activity, besides being highly useful to maintain good mind and body health.

Perhaps the couple could have gone about it more discreetly and if there is any fault to throw at them, this is about it.

I know for a fact that people who don't enjoy the same quality or even quantity of sex would comprise the biggest group amongst those who past negative judgegment on the couple. Personally, I can't even begin to count how many naysayers have emailed me with critical comments about my blog, and it isn't even a porn blog!

I talk sex here and while some things may be on the explicit side, I try to keep things tasteful and address them in an appropriate manner. Let's stop being such hypocrites. Censors are you listening? You idiots have banned Cosmo for so many years but allow trash articles in Women's Weekly, Female, Cleo and Her World to be published.

Just go gather some sex doctors or gynaecologists, sit them down and ask what sort of problems plague many young couples these days. For heaven's sake, some don't even know exactly what to do, let alone have babies! And these are educated people, apparently.

Explainations are never going to achieve as much as asking them to watch another couple at it. Obviously, not all porn is ideal but then again, I've seen lots of mild porn that provides wonderful lessons on the act itself.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

Link to full article

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