Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012


Joleen Kon, 37, a mother of two young children writes in from Singapore with a helpful tip that many here would find useful, since living in pigeon-hole apartments is commonplace.

She writes: "I think couples should think about setting up a love corner, as difficult as it seems. It's pretty hard getting in the mood when there are things all over the place. Imagine diapers, toys, clothes, etc, strewn around the house. How is anyone ever going to come home and feel in the mood?"

"You need your couple love corner for now, well at least until the kids start school or more accurately, leave the nest. If that is not really possible, make baby-sitting arrangements once in a while so that you can head to your love corner in a hotel or in a park."

"We didn't have a love corner when our first child came a long and we found ourselves drifting apart. Fortunately, we turned things around and made sure we had time for each other when the second arrived. We are much closer as a result of it."

"I know when children come along, many couples tend to sacrifice their time with each other to spend time with the kids but remember that a strong husband and wife relationship is also important when bringing up children. They need to feel the loving environment you build for them."

MS: I agree that in Singapore, finding time and space is the biggest challenge. But it is not impossible. But I like to add that sex is also a good de-stressor and you put in a good workout at the same time.

Missus Singapore out!
One Woman. Many Opinions. Lots of Juice.

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