Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2012

The ieat Pizza Making Class featuring the SMEG Pizza Oven!

Thanks to everyone who came for our Pizza making class! We sure had a lot of fun! This pizza class came about because of our (Damien and I) discovery of the SMEG Pizza oven.  We have been experimenting with making our own Vera Pizza Napoletana (VPN) pizzas for the last 3 years and the limiting factor has always been the oven.  We don't have access to a wood fired oven which can heat up to 500

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Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2012


It was reported that last Sunday, about 24 topless women protested in a New York City park to draw attention to inequality in topless rights between men and women. This was part of the "National Go-Topless Day".

Amusingly, there were topless men in the park too but nobody paid them much attention. Clearly, this was proof that the event was justified. What is baffling to me was why more men did not attend the event. I'm sure they would want to support such a move.

Apparently, it is legal for women to go topless in public in New York City but this is not always the case across other U.S. cities. In comparison, it is not even legal of walk around naked in your own home if the curtains are not drawn!

But seriously, I don't care. If I want to walk around my own home naked, I will do so. Guys get to do it, why can't us women do it as well? If anything, the one looking into my home and making the report of indecent exposure, should be the one arrested for invading my privacy.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2012

Diner en Blanc Singapore: What really happened?

I had a wonderful time talking to two lovely people today.  They have just arrived from Montreal it is their first time in Asia.  The guy on the left is Aymeric Pasquier who happens to be the son of the founder of Diner en Blanc and the lady is Sandy Safi.  Both of them co-founded Diner en Blanc International and they have come to Singapore to take part in the event tomorrow. Now, just in case

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Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 8, 2012


Many of you have written in suggesting ideas along the lines of some adult sex friend site. I know how that works - don't ask.It's just that these days, there are too many younger heads who think they know what they are doing but unfortunately, have destroyed the true concept of swinging. But that should not concern us.

What I do want to do is define this club and distinguish it from a swingers'-type club. I don't know if that is possible but let's see where we can go with this. I've already have offers from people willing to host it.

But seriously, to host a meeting to discuss the formation of the club is great. However, to host a party where fun gets done is no different from a swingers party. It can be fun but it is not exactly what I had in mind.

What I envisage is people meeting, preferably two or three, by themselves, and doing what it is they want to, whenever and wherever they want to. Should that not be the basis of such a club I am envisioning?

Missus Singapore out!

Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Lower price = more sales = more profit ?

Got further discount ? Free gifts ? Free installation ? Very popular questions faced by salesman whenever they try to close deals. And sadly the answers are always the same. I came across an article with an interesting but very true statement: "Every time you discount your product or service you discount yourself and eat away your profits." If customer is looking for a better deal, it is not really necessary to lower the price. So, the ultimate aim is to give as little as possible to close a sale. Sounds impossible ? It can be done. Negotiating is not always about price. Although price is virtually a factor in every sales, it is not usually the primary or motivating factor. Rather, what we say, or our approach towards the customer in the very beginning will affect the value of the product or service in their mind. I was going through a monthly duration report of the units that my department took in for service and repairs. For the last few years, it have been my routine to do a spot check for any mistakes or loopholes. This time, something caught my attention. It was not only the total number in figures and quantity. But it was also the duration itself. What amazes me is that 95% of the units taken it were completed and collected on the same day itself or the next day (still less than 24hrs). And a total 30 out of 76. 10 units were completed within 2 days, the rest took up 3-4 days. And what astonishes me was: these repairs were billed @ $50 each. And those that take 3-4 days were billed @ $64 which is the normal service rates given by the company. And the important factor that causes the $14 discount = membership. Without fail, the department hits the membership quota every month. The boss is satisfied, the management is satisfied. But my guys really need to ask themselves: is this what they really want ? Or they forgot their primary goal ? Yes, no doubt they act according to a motto that I have established: F.E.A.R = fast.efficient.and.reliable. It is time to look back at how far I have came through to build a reputation, to build a brand, as a one-stop IT services centre for consumers. However, the profits that I reeled in, were not as promising as I thought. Yes, business has ups and downs like stock market. But when it is down, I will need to come up with counter-measures to ensure there is always a gain, never a loss. Hey, it is business after all. Sudden promotions, free bundles even daring tactics have been tried and tested but none were as effective as they planned to be. Perhaps the thing to look at is still the manner in which the message is conversed to the end user. Every customer who walks in is like giving you the sales person an interview. And the underlying question is: Why should I get this from you when I can get is somewhere else and even cheaper ? An important answer that all my sales team should know: service. Not just normal service. Premium service and after-sales support. Yes. It is rare to encounter such now days. Sign an invoice and the sales man will thank you for that and never hope to see you again in the event of a problem - unless you are back to further fill his pockets. I am here to look into the various issues faced after the sales are closed. As a counsellor. As a mediator. But what the customer always have the impression : after sales service is good if it is free. After sales service is good if there is compensation for any inconvenience. My dear customers. Let me humbly remind you that that like you, anyone of you out there, we are also workers. And no one likes to work for free. Right ? I may charge a premium (seems alot from customer's point of view but still alot lesser than the amount stated by the company) but I guarantee that you get what you pay for. However, I need to cater to the needs of everyone, in particular the average joe who does not need all the bells and wishes but still need the job done. Don't fret, there will be a right pricing just for these group of people. I have asked my guys to come up with a pricing and other offers. I am currently going through it and plans to roll it out this coming October. It may not be the best deals in town but hey in this world, you can't please everyone. Give up something, or lose everything. Your choice.

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N M Abdul Rahim: Why is Mee Goreng so Red?

Mee Goreng $3.50 I must admit that I am not a big fan of Mee Goreng.  I have never been one as a kid and I have yet to find one that had made me change my mind. Ok, let me qualify that.  I am talking about the Indian style Mee Goreng.  There was a period of time when I was quite crazy about the Chinese style Mee Goreng  when Punggol Seafood was still located at the Bus Terminal at the end of

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Apple to unveil mini iPad in October

WASHINGTON: Apple will unveil a new, smaller version of its wildly popular iPad in October after the release of the latest version of its iPhone next month, the All Things Digital website reported on Sunday. "First comes the latest iteration of the tech giant's hugely popular smartphone, which will be unveiled at an as yet unannounced event on September 12," the website said. "Only after the next-generation iPhone is out the door and on sale will Apple announce the smaller iPad it's been working on," it said. "That device, which is expected to have a display of less than eight inches (20 centimetres), will be uncrated at a second special event, which sources say is currently scheduled for October." The 10-inch iPad has long dominated the tablet market, but faces a growing challenge from smaller models like Amazon's Kindle Fire, the Google Nexus 7 and the Samsung Galaxy. Apple is expected to launch the miniature iPad later this year, with analysts saying it could allow the California-based company to again best its global rivals despite the death last year of visionary founder Steve Jobs. Source: Channelnewsasia | Technology news

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Time to take a break from your ideas on setting up the FB Club. This week's video of the week is not strictly a video. In fact it is a song. Sent in by one of my longest followers here, Corinne Ow, it is a really catchy number that will get you started this week with a smile on your face. Enjoy it and have a wonderful week ahead.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Here are a fw more ideas from Edmund. Thanks for all your feedback so far but I could always use more, if you guys are serious about it to begin with. Would help if someone could also suggest somewhere to host these get-togethers. I think initially at least, we could always meet at a cafe but to discuss deeper, we may need somewhere quieter.

"1. A neutral territory with some privacy where everyone can let their guard down. Probably something with context and activity based. I'm thinking something along the lines of well, wine tasting, coffee, or a brewery tour at APB (I think my old contacts might still be good) where everyone can mingle and "network" and pretty much figure out what everyone wants. If we can send a quick questionnaire off to the participants with regards to preferences, I reckon some armbands might be given out just to shorten the "getting to know you" process.

2. No clubs, not yet, and nobody's residence, unless someone is really open to volunteering.

3. The initial number might be somewhere along the lines of 20 or 30, equal number of men and women, and then we carry on from there. We really won't be able to tell who's going to clique with who, and it really is up to the participants to do their fair share of mingling after the ice is broken.

4. If it's a larger group, potentially some simple ice breakers before cutting the group loose.

5. Activities like Cable-Skiing in Batam (if it is a week day, they can accommodate a large group) gives the shyer people an excuse to be there, and something outside of sex to talk about. Other things like, booking a pub for a bar tending workshop, or even a yacht for the afternoon can definitely be arranged, depending on how much the individual wants to fork out.

6. My suggestion, don't do it yourself. Find a couple of people you can trust, and let them manage the correspondence and the logistics for you."

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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One or two?

The PM announced last evening that men will also be entitled to paternity leave, similar to women's maternity leave, to look after their just borned child. Everyone in the University Cultural Centre auditorium that I could see through the TV broadcast clapped in approval, particularly the women amongst them. The rationale? PM related an example of a women who voiced her fears that she would be forgotten by her employer if she took as long as 6 months maternity leave. So fathers should step in to shoulder this burden by being allowed to take similar leave to share the burden of nursing the baby. All of which is dandy, until you think about it further.

Would men not also be forgotten at the workplace when they take paternity leave? The couple can now share equally the 4 months of maternity leave that women are entitled to, that is 2 months each. And even supposing it is 1 month out of the 4 for the men, it is probably 1 month too long for the men to be absent from the office. In this dog-eat-dog world, if you are not around, you need not be around, period. So sharing this load might lead to both of the couple, the mother and the father, to become expendable employees. Which is better - to have one expendable person or two?

So those cheering and clapping last evening should stop and think again what paternity leave really entails. The "absence" problem is already raised above. The second question that needs asking is: are all fathers capable of looking after and handling an infant? We know what maternal instincts are. Is there such a thing as a men's version of it, i.e. a paternal instinct? Sadly, experience tells us that the answer is not clear. What is the proportion of clumsy and incompetent men when it comes to nursing an infant? I don't know, and I suspect, the people who clamoured for and the government which said yes to paternity leave last evening don't know either. Yes, I know of men who love children (and I mean that in a "straight" way). My mother often mentions that my uncle loves children. I love children too. In fact I played a big part in taking care of my infant son, without the benefit of paternity leave. My wife will attest to this. But this is anecdotal. There probably are more men who are clueless and view infant care as a woman-only job. Worst, men tend to be more impatient, with the frightening consequence that the child may suffer rather than be cared for.

PM said in jest that men, if they are given paternity leave, should use it for that very purpose. Everyone may have laughed at that remark, but it is a disturbing reaction, to say the least. There is really really a high chance that paternity leave may be abused. After all, no one can police this. The wife can't and won't say a thing. The husband who abuses it will certainly keep quiet about using his paternity leave to do other things. You expect the maid to complain to the authorities?

There are probably other reasons that make paternity leave a bad idea. The issue, really, is not about the leave - maternity or paternity, much as many mothers wish to believe that it is. This will not go anywhere near helping to resolve the problem of low fertility among Singaporeans.

I believe that I will be proven correct one year from the implementation of this policy.

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Neil Armstrong passed away today

A legend passed today. 1930-2012 - RIP

Here's an excellent Quote that sums up his Life. 

"I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats
and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a

- Neil Armstrong

Here is an Excellent Biography of him.

I guess we never really take the time to 
know and value someone until they are gone.

P.S - Please share this picture  and quote on your Facebook wall as a tribute to him.
For more Singapore Kids Places, go to home page by clicking here

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Thanks guys and gals for all your ideas. Here is another from Kevin. I appreciate if you could comment - giving your feedback on the ideas presented. I will be collating all of them for a deeper and more incisive discussion.

"I love a flirty coffee break during office hours. It's a little rushed, you've only got like 45 minutes to meet, get your ideas in a conversation, and flirt flirt flirt.

I think getting your FB Club going should start small- get people interested in the club to exchange numbers and meet over coffee. It allows for people to get comfortable with each other, blow off a little steam and gets juices flowing.

Building up groups in 2s,4s would be a great way to get people interested in each other while you sit back and admire the fruit of your labour! A larger meet up (which takes a while to organise) would then involve more people who are already comfy with each other."

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Here is another reader, David, who sent in his ideas. Thanks and I would appreciate your feedback again.

"You would need to ask yourself whether if you would like to run the club and get a one off commission and that eventually set a number of men and women to target.

i) Get a poll out to see how many folks are keen. Usually there would be more guys than gals volunteering i am sure....but still, you need to gauge the interest.

ii) Once you have a critical mass- say 10 males and 10 females ( ideally....and they have to send in their real pics etc) can do the following;
a) Organise a get together a BYO event...chill and relaxed....and you can charge a fee etc.
b) or just do a cyber introduction etc....and still charge a fee or something...

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I'm attracted to fruits

It's been some time I'm logging in to Blogger. I was like! Makeover! I hope you readers like the new template. Clean and uncluttered. This template's dynamic - you are able to change the view of your choice on the top left corner of this page. Also point your cursor to the right side of the page an a slider link will pop up displaying links to archives and others pages. How cool is that. Today is all about: Apple. After the experience with the Mac Mini (which was purchased mistakenly for replacement of a gaming PC), I stayed out of the walled garden. Months went by and it was after Apple Inc released the new Macbook Pro Retina display then I grew more fond of its products. Having repaired and configured Apple products ranging from their iMacs to Macbook Pros for a year now, I found that simplicity is still a key to success. I was completely sold when they released upgrades to their Macbook lineup. And the idea of an iPad with full-sized physical keyboard (I hate typing on virtual keyboards especially big screen ones) seems good.
Fresh from Cupertino
So here it is. After at least 2 weeks from placing orders. I hunted around for a slip case and found a comfy one from Targus.
And my buddy from Apple dept found a turquoise-coloured clip on casing. Was searching for a sky blue to match my jacket however there isn't any well at least it matches my phone's cover. So yes, double protection.
After unboxing
Unboxing any Apple hardware is like unwrapping a present. No matter how many times you've done it, it never fails to amaze you. The technology, the ideas and the effort that goes into creating such an innovation.
First start-up
Look for any Window-based system that does that initial setup as hassle-free as a Mac. There isn't any - that's the truth. Across all Mac PC/NB lineup, setup takes less than a minute if all required (optional left out) blanks are filled. Start-up or cold boot takes on-the-dot 10secs, 2 secs ahead from my Windows PC that runs an i7 processor and twice the amount of RAM. Not everything on speed are hardware-based. After performing some updates, I proceeded to upgrade to Mountain Lion. Those buying prior to this week all sets came with Lion pre-installed and are entitled to a free upgrade. The end user is required to visit Apple website, fill up a form and wait for 2 emails to arrive. Then, the download will be carried out thru Mac app store. Save the hassle, I have modified a normal 8GB Sony thumb drive that contains everything needed for a Mountain Lion upgrade. Whole process completed in less than 30 minutes. I'm off to load Steam (content distribution software) and some others for a test drive. Around an hour had passed. I downloaded and installed 2 of the so may game titles I had purchased thru Steam. CS:Source and Left 4 Dead. Both ran well at full resolution and default settings (strange all settings were maxxed out). Surprisingly, the on-board Intel Graphics 4000 were able to churn out decent frame rates. Loading times were quick, since the Air holds an SSD drive. After 20 mins or so, I could hear the fans spinning to dissipate the heat and the chassis started to feel hot. Since almost 95% of the Air's body is aluminium aside the glass trackpad, heat got thru fairly quick. But still it does not burn your palms and typing stays comfortable. However, I would not recommend Air owner's to game for extended periods of time. And please 'air' your unit after a period of gaming. I kept mine in the slip case almost immediately before work and during my lunch break I could still feel the heat upon taking it out. Won't be bad in the long run. Overall, I am satisfied and have yet to find any faults with it. To those who want to 'jump ship', I would strongly recommend you to do so. Doesn't matter if you are a first time user or a Windows expert - there is always something special about it. Visit any Authorised Apple Reseller and see for yourself. Cheers!

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Diner en Blanc vs Ultimate Hawker Fest: Let's Celebrate Our Own Hawker Food!

By now you might have heard about the Diner En Blanc fiasco where the organizers have dismissed Chicken Rice and Tau Huay food that are not considered "quality" enough to be brought to the chic picnic.   In order to be invited to the event, the organizers have asked food bloggers to write a blog post about the event and then to suggest what "White Food" they would bring.  When chicken rice and

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Pek Sin Choon Tea Merchants: Do you know your Bak Kut Teh Teas?

The Bak Kut Teh Tea Series The history of Singapore's Bak Kut Teh can be traced all the way back to the period before World War II.  Actually, its origins could possibly pre-date the 20th century but I have thus far not been able to find concrete evidence for this.  However, the oral history of Bak Kut Teh is still prevalent in our society and one very reliable source is Pek Sin Choon Tea

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Death and Taxes

Should we treat paying taxes not so much an obligation, indeed no a duty, but an act of charity. This is what a letter writer to Today suggested come days ago. Yet ironically, in that same paper, on the facing page, a letter writer wrote about how certain public servants are wasting tax-payers' money by engaging private law firms in their law suits.

At one level, I agree with the letter writer. As many would by now have found out, the personal tax bill for many this year is far far more than last year's. Last year was election year, so it would not take a Phd to figure out why. Yep, my tax bill has nearly doubled, not that my pay has increased by that quantum, mind you. And the last time I filed my tax returns online, I could not claim for some donations I made in the year of assessment simply because the organisation was not listed as one of the approved institution of public character (IPC). There wasn't anywhere on the screen form you could write it in. You could only select from a preset list. This in spite the fact that I have been donating to the same institution for 2 years prior to the last YA and the deduction had been allowed. I would like to think that I am honest, but I am penalised? Well, the Singapore IRAS is very efficient and, in a sense, ruthless, in extracting that pound of flesh, and then some, from its taxpayers. So when I thought about what the writer suggested, I wondered if I should write to IRAS to re-assess my income tax.

In a sense, the writer is correct. Taxes are a means to redistribute income and enable a government to govern for the common good. Even billionaire investor Warren Buffet famously said that the rich in America are not paying enough taxes, and that they should. Paying taxes to care for society is an ideal, an assumption that, as events in the last few months in Singapore have demonstrated, is far from the ideal. What with S$2,200 bicycles to patrol public parks, S$650 designer chairs for government officers' butts. Is it any wonder the ambivalence towards contributing to the public purse for the common good.

In any case, those who have the means - profitable businesses and wealthy individuals, routinely engage tax accountants to minimise their tax obligations. So why should the man in the street do any less in minimizing his own tax bill?

Death and taxes will remain dreaded facts of life. They are to be avoided at all cost, or for as long as possible.

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I'm happy to report that since last week, I've been receiving a steady stream of ideas from both gals and guys about the possibility of setting up a FB Club. Be patient as we need to really walk through the mechanics of such a club less it all fall apart at the get Go.

So to kick things off, here is an idea from Phan. Your feedback is most appreciated.

"You can make use of websites like to setup a closed local group there. And from there you can say you only allow those who has confirmed their IDs with aff to join and in doing so screen out the minors and those who faked age or nationality etc.

As for screening for disease, you can set a rule, people can bring along their latest STD check or something for each other to verify. Now if the 2 or more parties wanna take their own risk, it's really not something you can control.

And finally, like you've always advocated, safe sex is the most important of all. If you wish to get some "benefits" out of organizing this, a simple paypal payment using our credit cards should suffice. Plus those with credit cards are also those that the bank has screened for age limit. Once they've paid, you can let them into the aff group."

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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We learn something new everyday, don't we? Today, we discover another use for that trusty blue pill, thanks to James Bond, who sent this in. Enjoy it.

A guy visiting in Hawaii fell asleep on the beach for several hours and got a horrible sunburn, specifically to his upper legs. He went to the hospital, and was promptly admitted after being diagnosed with second-degree burns.

With his skin already starting to blister, and the severe pain he was in, the doctor prescribed continuous intravenous feeding with saline, electrolytes, a sedative, and a Viagra pill every four hours.

The nurse, who was rather astounded, asked, 'What good will Viagra do for him, Doctor’?

The doctor replied, 'It won't do anything for his condition, but it’ll keep the sheets off his legs.'

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I was at the mall the other day and as I was having a nice cup of tea, I noticed an elderly couple sitting in the table just beside mine. 'What's so odd about that?' you might ask. Alot.

They were having a conversation about buying some bedsheets they had saw earlier and what struck me was not the subject of bedsheets but how they went about it. Their tone was filled with nothing but sweetness and mutual respect. There was also lots of physical contact, in terms of how they gently touched each other's hands.

With all the helter-skelter about us being a weekend, it appeared that their world was cocooned somehow. Not many things today send a pleasant warmth through me but watching the two of them did. Typical of me, I just had to find out more.

It took some time explaining what I wrote about and the concept of a blog but the Chinese couple finally agreed to share some insights into their union.

Married for 44 years, the man, Chong, was 71 while the woman Sally, was 64. They have four children and nine grandchildren. Living by themselves together with their two dogs, they are both retired. He had worked as a landscape designer while she was a secretary in a construction firm before she retired.

It was nice hearing about their lives and family but what I really wanted to know was how they managed to keep their level of closeness and intimacy going after all these years. I could sense that Sally was a little uncomfortable initially, and sat quietly to allow her husband to speak.

"We always say 'I Love You' to each other. It is a rule between us even if we had a fight the previous day. We never carry our problems over the next day." Mr Chong revealed.

He added, "We always hold hands when we are together, outside or even when watching television. In fact we go to bed holding hands too."

Once he got going, he never quite stopped. But then I took a deep breadth and interceded, "What about sex?"

Surprisingly, Sally took the wheel with this one.

"These days, hardly! But we made up for it when we were younger," she said with a cheeky grin as she turned to her husband.

"I think people should do it as much as they can when they can. But it doesn't me that we don't have intimate moments, it's just that we express it differently. We don't want his pacemaker to explode!"

We all shared a big laugh.

I then asked what they think the government should do about the low birth rates.

Chong shared his ideas.

"We used to have big families back then with no help. There were no bonuses to help us but we still wanted big families. Today is a different story. I don't think the bonueses will help. Couples need to enjoy sex all over again. Everything goes by so quickly and there are so many distractions. If you cannot find time to enjoy it, how can you even make babies."

Sally added, "When you enjoy sex, you become closer and in time, you want to take it further and
have a child. These days, it is all about making babies, like a robot."

The more I spoke with this couple, the more I am convinced that the government is asking all the wrong people how to solve the problem of low birth rates. They just have no sense of how to go about doing things or where to address the problem.

Money will do nothing.You need to create an environment that is understanding and open to sex. As it stands, even mere open expressions of affection are looked upon with scorn by the majority. Money is not going to change this. It requires a serious reboot of societal mindsets if you ask me.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Rong Cheng Bak Kut Teh: Every day is a Good Day for Bak Kut Teh!

The signature prime rib (龙骨) at Rong Cheng If I were to pick a dish to represent Singapore, my choice would be Bak Kut Teh. It might seem strange that I should choose Bak Kut Teh over hot favourites like Chicken Rice and Chilli Crabs but after pondering upon this question for the last few years, I have come to the conclusion that there are a few unique things about Bak Kut Teh that places it

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It's always great to start the week with a public holiday. It somehow always feels more fulfilling when you wake up on Monday only to realise you can sleep in a little.

Anyway, here is a video that addresses the question that guys keep asking me. Hopefully, these four women will convince you further.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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As many of you already know, I am biased towards sex toys which don’t require batteries. That said, I have to admit that once I tried the Hard Throb, it did restore my perception somewhat.

The Hard Throb is realistic looking and its texture could almost pass off as the real thing. I acquired it in March this year from Edenfantasys and found myself gradually getting really attached to it.

Made from rubber and slightly veined, mine measured 7” long (there is a 10”version too) and about 1¾” wide. Granted it may be a little too hard and thick for the amateur, I like that it doesn’t flop about too much to make insertion uncomfortable.

The selling point about this high quality sex toy is that unlike most other vibrators that have the vibrating mechanism located at the bottom, this one has it on the rosy-coloured top end. This means that it ‘hits’ you just where it matters most. I did wish that the vibrations were a little more rigorous though. But it’s quiet so it’s very easy to be discrete with this one. In any case, lube is always a good idea.

Unfortunately, due to its size, you can’t exactly slip this playmate into a regular handbag. Obviously, you also can’t take it into the tub with you unless you want to risk flooding the compartment for the required two C-size batteries. It’s best used with a condom and after using it, ensure you rinse (with soap) and dry it well.

Here is the MS VERDICT on the Hard Throb:

Delivery: 5 out of 5 (arrived in five days in Singapore)
Packaging: 3 out of 5 (Firm box and wrapped in plastic)
Design: 4 out of 5 (Realistic and nice feel)
Function: 3.5 out of 5 (Not for beginners)

Total MS Score: 15.5 out of 20 (GOOD)

Missus Singapore out!

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store
This post was sponsored by Edenfantasys.
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Lower price = more sales = more profit ?

Got further discount ? Free gifts ? Free installation ? Very popular questions faced by salesman whenever they try to close deals. And sadly the answers are always the same. I came across an article with an interesting but very true statement: "Every time you discount your product or service you discount yourself and eat away your profits." If customer is looking for a better deal, it is not really necessary to lower the price. So, the ultimate aim is to give as little as possible to close a sale. Sounds impossible ? It can be done. Negotiating is not always about price. Although price is virtually a factor in every sales, it is not usually the primary or motivating factor. Rather, what we say, or our approach towards the customer in the very beginning will affect the value of the product or service in their mind. I was going through a monthly duration report of the units that my department took in for service and repairs. For the last few years, it have been my routine to do a spot check for any mistakes or loopholes. This time, something caught my attention. It was not only the total number in figures and quantity. But it was also the duration itself. What amazes me is that 95% of the units taken it were completed and collected on the same day itself or the next day (still less than 24hrs). And a total 30 out of 76. 10 units were completed within 2 days, the rest took up 3-4 days. And what astonishes me was: these repairs were billed @ $50 each. And those that take 3-4 days were billed @ $64 which is the normal service rates given by the company. And the important factor that causes the $14 discount = membership. Without fail, the department hits the membership quota every month. The boss is satisfied, the management is satisfied. But my guys really need to ask themselves: is this what they really want ? Or they forgot their primary goal ? Yes, no doubt they act according to a motto that I have established: F.E.A.R = fast.efficient.and.reliable. It is time to look back at how far I have came through to build a reputation, to build a brand, as a one-stop IT services centre for consumers. However, the profits that I reeled in, were not as promising as I thought. Yes, business has ups and downs like stock market. But when it is down, I will need to come up with counter-measures to ensure there is always a gain, never a loss. Hey, it is business after all. Sudden promotions, free bundles even daring tactics have been tried and tested but none were as effective as they planned to be. Perhaps the thing to look at is still the manner in which the message is conversed to the end user. Every customer who walks in is like giving you the sales person an interview. And the underlying question is: Why should I get this from you when I can get is somewhere else and even cheaper ? An important answer that all my sales team should know: service. Not just normal service. Premium service and after-sales support. Yes. It is rare to encounter such now days. Sign an invoice and the sales man will thank you for that and never hope to see you again in the event of a problem - unless you are back to further fill his pockets. I am here to look into the various issues faced after the sales are closed. As a counsellor. As a mediator. But what the customer always have the impression : after sales service is good if it is free. After sales service is good if there is compensation for any inconvenience. My dear customers. Let me humbly remind you that that like you, anyone of you out there, we are also workers. And no one likes to work for free. Right ? I may charge a premium (seems alot from customer's point of view but still alot lesser than the amount stated by the company) but I guarantee that you get what you pay for. However, I need to cater to the needs of everyone, in particular the average joe who does not need all the bells and wishes but still need the job done. Don't fret, there will be a right pricing just for these group of people. I have asked my guys to come up with a pricing and other offers. I am currently going through it and plans to roll it out this coming October. It may not be the best deals in town but hey in this world, you can't please everyone. Give up something, or lose everything. Your choice.

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Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 8, 2012

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